Data files are provided for each figure in the paper. For figures with a large number of sub-panels, a separate file is provided for each sub-panel. All data files are in ASCII format. Names of the variables are indicated in each data file for each curve or set of data in the figure. When applicable, units are indicated with the variable they refer to. Figure 1 The data file contains the following information: - Time basis - Frequency basis - Spectrum. Each line contains data at a fixed frequency (in ascending order) vs time Figure 2 For each toroidal mode number (n=1,2,4,6), the data file contains - Normalized minor radius - Amplitude of perturbation deltaBr/B Figure 3 The data file contains data on 5 curves for the neutron rate. For each curve, time basis and neutron rate are provided. Figure 4 For each of the 3 contour plots, the data file contains vectors of the pitch, energy and fast ion distribution values for each bin composing the plot. Figure 5 The data file contains 3 vectors for the Pz, muB/E and DErms variables composing the plot. Figure 6 3 files are provided for the 3 sub-panels. For panels (a) and (b), the data file contains vectors of the pitch, energy and relative change of the fast ion distribution values for each bin composing the plot. For panel (c), the file contains two sets of data: - Vectors of the pitch, energy and fast ion distribution values for each bin composing the contour. - Vectors with pitch, energy and change in energy for each particle from the original ORBIT simulation. Figure 7 4 files are provided for the 4 sub-panels. For each sub-panels, the data file contains 3 sets of data referring to the 3 simulations. For each simulation, data are provided for - Time basis and average pitch values - Time basis and average spread in pitch values Figure 8 The data file contains 3 data sets for each of the 3 simulations. For each simulation, data for panels (a), (b), (c) are provided: - Panel (a), time basis and fast ion density gradient values - Panel (b), time basis and rate of fast ion loss values - Panel (c), time basis and power to the electrons values Figure 9 The data file contains 2 sets of data: - Vectors with values of mode amplitude and power transferred to the mode from the simulation - Vectors with values of mode amplitude and power transferred to the mode from a fit of the data from the simulation Figure 10 The data file contains 3 sets of data referring to the 3 panels in the figure. For each panel, vectors with values of time basis and power transferred to the modes are provided. Figure 11 The data file contains data for the 2 sub-panels of the figure. For each panel, 3 sets of data are provides. Each set refers to a specific simulation. Vectors with values of radial variable and fast ion density are provided for each simulation.