A summary of the format of the data files for each figure is given below. ================================================================================ Figure 2: 2D plots of Normalized Poloidal Flux Psi* files: Normalized poloidal flux, 251x251 values, geometry is defined in grid.dat (execpt for Psi_ZZ.dat it is defined in grid2.dat) ================================================================================ Figure 3a: Flux expansion F_target(d_mid), see equation 1 Psi* files: Normalized poloidal flux Psi sampled along target: d_target(row#) = (4000-row#)/10.0 mm The corresponding dmid(Psi) for this flux surface is defined in plot.sh for each configuration. Figure 3b: Connection length data files contain connection length Lc(d_target) sampled along target: d_target(row) = 250 - row#/10 mm ================================================================================ Figure 4: Separatrix manifolds all data files: column 1: R[cm] column 2: Z[cm] ================================================================================ Figure 5: Magnetic footprint of the perturbed separatrix all data files: column 1: R [cm] column 2: Z [cm] column 3: phi [rad] ================================================================================ Figure 6: Lobe spacings near X-point (Delta_pol from equation 6) Delta_pol is sampled along the separatrix at distance d = (1 - row#/3600)*L for each configuration. The corresponding L is defined in plot_spacings.sh all data files: column 1: poloidal magnetic field strength [T] column 2: toroidal magnetic field strength [T] column 3: major radius [cm] ================================================================================ Figure 7: Field line loss fraction all data files: column 1: relative coordinate R -> PsiN = 0.8 + R * 0.195 column 2: reference length [cm] column 3: field line loss fraction ================================================================================ Figure 8: 2D plots of plasma density all data files: list of cells (geometry + data value) for each computational cell: R-coordinates of 4 corners [cm], Z-coordinates of 4 corners [cm], plasma density [cm^-3] ================================================================================ Figure 9: Divertor heat loads a (ISP.txt) and c (OSP.txt): list of cells (geometry + data value) for each computational cell: Phi-coordinates of 4 corners [deg], Wall-coordinates of 4 corners [cm], target heat load [MW m^-2] data files for b and d: column 1: distance from separatrix strike point [cm] column 2: target heat load [MW m^-2] ================================================================================ Figure 10: Divertor heat loads all data file: column 1: distance from separatrix strike point [cm] column 2: target heat load [MW m^-2]