Fig1.txt Fig. 1 consists of 4 subpanels which show density (ne) and temperature (Te) for H and OH modes. The data in the file gives, for each subpanel, the data points as lists of tab delimited (x,y) pairs. These data pairs are followed by the best fit tanh function shown as the solid curve in the figure. Fig2.txt Fig. 2 consists of 2 subpanels, one for H modes and one for OH modes. Each subpanel has curves for gamma_mhd, Vyprime and omega_star. The data for these curves is listed in the file with the corresponding radial points. The units of radius are cm and the units of all the frequencies or rates are 1/(micro-sec). Fields are tab delimited. Fig3.txt The data is tabulated separately for Lrad and Lpol. In each case data is listed in tabular form giving the operational mode, the mean value of the x coordinate, its standard deviation, the mean value of the y coordinate, its standard deviation. Fields are tab delimited. These data are followed by the best linear fit function. Fig4.txt Data is listed in tabular form giving the operational mode, the mean value of the x coordinate, its standard deviation, the mean value of the y coordinate, its standard deviation. Fields are tab delimited. Fig5.txt The format is the same as in Fig4.txt These data are followed by the best linear fit function. Fig6.txt The format is the same as in Fig4.txt These data are followed by the best linear fit function. Fig7.txt The format is the same as in Fig4.txt These data are followed by the best linear fit function. Fig8.txt The format is the same as in Fig4.txt These data are followed by equations for the lines indicating the profile modification limit and best fit fractions thereof for OH and H mode. Fig9.txt Scatter plot data listed separately for each mode in tabular form as x y pairs Fig10.txt Data points from the simulation are given in tabular form as x y pairs. Fig11a.txt Fig. 11 consists of two subpanels. For each subpanel the data is present in CSV (comma separated value) format for an array that has 129 points in x and 128 points in y. The first line of the file is a CSV list of the 129 points in x (cm) The second line of the file is a CSV list of the 128 points in y (cm) The third line of the file is blank. This is followed by 128 lines giving the array values for each y Each line consists of 129 comma separated values giving the array values at each x The listed array values are normalized density fluctuations delta_n/n Fig11b.txt Same format as Fig11a.txt The listed array values are density n (Bohm normalized)