Data files of the manuscript: all datafiles' file name starts with the figure number they represent. For example, the file named '2d_freq.asc' represents the frequency axis of figure 2d. Figure 1: the frequency axis data is in 1_freq.asc and the fourier amplitude for three radial locations, namely Redge, Rsep and Rsol. There are organized in the three columns (or row depending on your vizualizing tool-- please take the transpose) of 1_amp_spectra_Redge_Rsep_Rsol.asc. The first column is the frequency ranges. So one has to plot frequency vs. each column of 1_amp_spectra_Redge_Rsep_Rsol.asc. Then, the file 1_freq_amp_spectra_MHD.asc has two columns to plot the frequency vs. fourier amplitude of the MHD data Fig. 2: This figure has 4 panels, 2a,2b,2c and 2d. Each of the panel has 3 columns (data files). The column (files 2x_freq.asc) has the frequency data (y-axis), The next colum (2x_time.asc) has the time data (x-axis) and the last column ( 2x_amp_spectrogram.asc) has the 2 dmensional spectrogram data. One needs to plot (2D contour, image etc.) the time vs. frequency vs. spectrogram for each panel. Fig. 3: Again this figure has two panels 3a and 3b. Both are 2D plots. Each panel has 3 data files. 3a_delZ.asc for delta Z in the y axis, 3a_freq.asc for frequency and 3a_Zcoherence.asc for the 2D spectrogram. Panel 3b also has similar data files except the y axis is now delta R. Fig. 4: This figure has two plots superimposed. First the wavenumber-frequency (kz-f) spectra can be plotted with the frequency (4_freq.asc), wavenumber (4_wavenumber.asc) and kz-f spectra (4_skomega.asc). Then the black linear fit can be superimposed on the spectra by the two columns of 4_fitting_kfit_Ffit.asc. The two columns of this data file represent the fited wavenumber and fitted frequency respectively. Fig. 5: This figure has 5 panels, a-e. 5a is a line plot of time vs. GPI intensity, represented by the two columns of 5a_gpiint.asc. 5b is again a spectrogram of MHD data. Data files (3 in number) for this panel are similar to the panels of figure 2. 5c is similar to 5b, but for the GPI intensity data. 5d and 5e can also be ploted similarly from the respective files (3 in number for each panel). 5d represents the fourier amplitude as a function of time and radius (rho) and 5e is similarly as a function of time and vertical distance (Z). Fig. 6: This figure has 2 panels a-b. the file 6a_rho_cohamp_sdev.asc has 3 columns, as rho, mean (of 10 shots) of the peak amlitude above the broadband turbulence and standrd deviation of all these 10 shots. +-standard deviation is used as the shaded error band in 6a. In file 6b_rho_fmode10shots.asc, there are 11 columns. The first column is again rho and the columns 2-11 represnt peak mode frequency for 10 shots.