MC_LiGS2_POP_April2016 Fig1 >> fig1.txt (separator -space) psi_N normalized poloidal flux ; ne/i electron/ion density (10^20/m^3) ; te/i electron/ion temperature (keV) ; dXdpsiN gradients of X, ptot total pressure (kPa) c 1 >> 15 reference shot - c 17 >> 31 lithiated shot- Fig2 >> fig2(a-b).txt (separator -,space) growth rates (gamma)-frequencies (omega) of the fastest growing eigenmode as a function of wavenumbers (W) at a given flux surface Psi_N. The flux surface is indicated as: e.g. W_90, 90 represents the flux surface Psi_N=0.90. (a) are calculations for the reference shot. (b) are calculations for the lithiated shot. Fig3 >> fig3.txt (separator -space): theta is the poloidal angle. phi and apar are the electrostatic and parallel vector potential. r stand for Re; i stands for Im. 03 and 08 are the calculations carried out at W=0.3 and W=0.8. Fig4 >> fig4.txt (separator -space): see fig3 Fig6 >> fig6.txt (separator -space): see fig3 Fig5 >> fig5.txt omega and gamma as a function of the normalized gradients and the electron beta. Fig5 >> fig5.txt (separator -,space) omega / gamma as a function of the normalized gradients and the electron beta at W=0.3 and W=0.8. For instance: the set a/Lti omega_03gamma_03 is the scan over the ion temperature gradient scale length at W=0.3. Fig7 >> fig7.txt (separator -,space) Fig8>> fig8Inter.txt (separator -,space) Electron profiles at intermediate shaping Fig9 >> fig9.txt (separator -,space) : Prof -> profiles- Inter -> intermediate shaping