This directory contains the input parameters and data necessary to reproduce the LSP and EDIPIC PIC-MCC simulations presented in the paper "Validation and benchmarking of two particle-in-cell codes for a glow discharge" by J. Carlsson, A. Khrabrov, I. Kaganovich, T. Sommerer and D. Keating [submitted to Plasma Sources Science and Technology]. The simulation model is described in the paper. The details are as follows: Time step: 2 picoseconds (except for the 600 V case, where the time step is 1 picosecond) Simulation time: until cathode current reaches steady state, about 120 microseconds Plasma length: 0.62 centimeter Cell size: 10 micrometer (plasma resolved by 620 cells) Helium gas pressure: 3.5 Torr Helium gas density: 11.2x10^16/cm^3 for 173 V case, 10.8 for 211 V and 8.01 for 600 V Helium gas temperarure: 26.29 meV for 173 V case, 27.26 for 211 V and 36.75 for 600 V *) Initial electron density: 10^10/cm^3 Initial helium ion density: 10^10/cm^3 Initial electron temperature: 5 eV Initial helium ion temperature: 25.2 meV Typically 8-40 macro particles of each species per cell are initially created. *) The above gas density values are from DenHartog et al. The temperatures were obtained from the ideal gas law using reported pressure and densitites. The synthetic benchmarks use the gas density and temperature from the 211 V simulation. The two files and are tables of cross sections for collisions of an electron against a neutral helium atom as a function of electron energy. They are in an ASCII format preferred by LSP with energy in the first column, cross section for an elastic collision in the second column, ionization in the third, and excitation cross sections in column four and higher. The former file has seven excitation cross sections in columns four through ten. The latter file, with a single, consolidated (energy-weighted) excitation cross section in column four, was used in the simulations presented in the paper. The data from these two files is plotted in Fig. 2 of the paper. To facilitate benchmarking with other codes, plain (ASCII) output data files are provided with the results shown in Figs. 5-7 (only the temporally converged results) and Figs. 9-11, as well as Python scripts to recreate those figures. The file names should be self explanatory.