Figure 1: This figure is simply a cartoon with no actual data. Figure 2: Data for the top left panel of Fig. 2 are given in file data_Fig2a.dat. Data for the bottom left panel of Fig. 2 are given in file data_Fig2b.dat. Data for the top right panel of Fig. 2 are given in file data_Fig2c.dat. Data for the bottom right panel of Fig. 2 are given in file data_Fig2d.dat. Figure 3: Data for panel a of Fig. 3 are given in file data_Fig3a.dat. Data for panel b of Fig. 3 are given in file data_Fig3b.dat. Data for panel c of Fig. 3 are given in file data_Fig3c.dat. Data for panel d of Fig. 3 are given in file data_Fig3d.dat. Figure 4: Data for panel a of Fig. 4 are given in file data_Fig4a.dat. Data for panel b of Fig. 4 are given in file data_Fig4b.dat. Additionally, the lines for the no-wall and with-wall limits in Fig. 4a are given by the simple formulas in the caption. Formulas for the heuristic (dashed) lines in Fig 4b are given by: dWnowall = BetaNnowall - BetaN and dWwithwall = BetaNwithwall - Betan, where BetaNnowall = 3.82 and BetaNwithwall = 7.00 in this case. Finally, formulas for the modeled (solid) lines in Fig. 4b are given in the text as dWnowall = 2*tanh(pi/2(-C_beta)) and dWwithwall = 2*tanh(pi/2(1- C_beta)). Figure 5: Data for panel a of Fig. 5 are given in file data_Fig5a.dat. Data for panel b of Fig. 5 are given in file data_Fig5b.dat. Additionally, the colored circles in Fig. 5a are simply given by circles with the following radii (r) and offsets (a): r = [0.917152336,1.154350517,1.293251906,1.293251906,1.154350517,0.917152336] a = [0.917152336,0.545918131,0.179465293,-0.179465293,-0.545918131,-0.917152336] Figure 6: Data for Fig. 6 is given in file data_Fig6.dat. Additionally, the curves in Fig. 6 can be reproduced by Equation 3, Table 1, and wD = 2kHz, wb = 10kHz, and = 1 kHz. Figure 7: Data for Fig. 7 is given in file data_Fig7.dat. Figure 8: Data for the red line trajectory in Fig. 8 is given in file data_Fig8.dat. For the colored circles, please see Fig. 5a and file data_Fig5a.dat, they are the same. Figure 9: Data for the red line trajectory in Fig. 9 is given in file data_Fig9.dat. Additionally, data for the colored contour lines in Figs. 9, 10a, and 11a are given in file data_Fig9and10a_contours.dat. Figure 10: Data for panel a of Fig. 10 are given in file data_Fig10a.dat. Data for panel b of Fig. 10 are given in file data_Fig10b.dat. In both cases the data are labeled by the corresponding shot number. Figure 11: Data for panel a of Fig. 11 are given in file data_Fig11a.dat. Data for panel b of Fig. 11 are given in file data_Fig11b.dat. In both cases the data are labeled by the corresponding shot number.