Digital data archive for "Sensitivity of WallDYN material migration modeling to uncertainties in mixed-material surface binding energies" by J.H. Nichols Data files can be opened with any text editor, and are typically tab-limited. Figure 1: r, z coordinates [m] for the vertices of the triangles making up the plasma grid can be found in triangles.dat. The plasma parameters ne [cm-3], Te [eV], Ti [eV], V [cm/s], B [T] corresponding to these triangles are listed in the same order in plasmadata.dat. Vparallel is the component of the flow velocity in the direction of the magnetic field. Outer target plasma parameters, input to OSM, can be found in outertargetdata.dat. Figure 2: r, z coordinates [m] for the 75 WallDYN bins can be found in wallbinning.dat. Figure 3: Redistribution probabilities are listed numerically in the same format as the figure, with source bins on the horizontal axis and destination bins on the vertical axis. Charge- integrated Li redistribution probabilities are listed in redistmatrix_Li_fluxsum.dat. Charge-resolved probabilities for {Li0/Li1+/Li2+/Li3+} deposition are listed in redistmatrix_Li_fluxiz{neut/0/1/2}.dat. Figures 4-7: These figures show simulation results organized by surface binding energy model and labeled by SCAN*. q_x is the fractional concentration of element x. The SBEs used in these scans are as follows [eV]: SCANA: SBE_C,eff=7.37q_C+1.64q_Li+2.58q_O SBE_Li,eff=1.64q_C+1.64q_Li+1.64q_O SBE_O,eff=2.58q_C+1.64q_Li+2.58q_O SCANB: SBE_C,eff=7.37q_C+1.64q_Li+2.58q_O SBE_Li,eff=1.64q_C+1.64q_Li+2.58q_O SBE_O,eff=2.58q_C+2.58q_Li+2.58q_O SCANC: SBE_C,eff=7.37q_C+1.64q_Li+7.37q_O SBE_Li,eff=1.64q_C+1.64q_Li+1.64q_O SBE_O,eff=7.37q_C+1.64q_Li+2.58q_O SCAND: SBE_C,eff=7.37q_C+1.64q_Li+7.37q_O SBE_Li,eff=1.64q_C+1.64q_Li+2.58q_O SBE_O,eff=7.37q_C+2.58q_Li+2.58q_O SCANE: SBE_C,eff=7.37q_C+7.37q_Li+2.58q_O SBE_Li,eff=7.37q_C+1.64q_Li+1.64q_O SBE_O,eff=2.58q_C+1.64q_Li+2.58q_O SCANF: SBE_C,eff=7.37q_C+7.37q_Li+2.58q_O SBE_Li,eff=7.37q_C+1.64q_Li+2.58q_O SBE_O,eff=2.58q_C+2.58q_Li+2.58q_O SCANG: SBE_C,eff=7.37q_C+7.37q_Li+7.37q_O SBE_Li,eff=7.37q_C+1.64q_Li+1.64q_O SBE_O,eff=7.37q_C+1.64q_Li+2.58q_O SCANH: SBE_C,eff=7.37q_C+7.37q_Li+7.37_O SBE_Li,eff=7.37q_C+1.64q_Li+2.58q_O SBE_O,eff=7.37q_C+2.58q_Li+2.58q_O SCANK: SBE_C,eff=7.37 SBE_Li,eff=1.64 SBE_O,eff=2.58 Surface fractional concentrations q of carbon (column 1), lithium (column 2) and oxygen (column 3) calculated by WallDYN are listed in SCAN*_wallconc.dat. Results are organized by cumulative plasma exposure (0s, 1s, 5s, 10s, 20s, 30s), as blocks with one entry for each of the bins defined in wallbinning.dat (75 bins total). Radial position for each bin is taken from wallbinning.dat. Figure 4 shows q_Li for SCANK at t=0,1,5,10,20 near the outer strike point. Figure 5 shows q_Li for all scans at t=1 near the outer strike point. A/B/C/D: red; E/F/G/H: cyan; K: black Figure 6 shows the Li erosion flux vs time for all scans at the outer strike point, R=0.734 m. A/B/C/D: red; E/F/G/H: cyan; K: black Erosion flux data [10^20 at/m2/s] can be found in erosionfluxscandata.dat, where the first column is time [s] and subsequent columns represent scans A-K (in order). Figure 7 shows q_O for all scans at t=1 near the outer strike point. A/B/E/F: red; C/D/G/H: cyan; K: black