Fig. 1: fig_01.pdf PDF file Fig. 2: Dataset_Fig_02.h5 Irwm : Current of 3D field coil [kA] tIrwm : time base sxr : Soft X-ray emission from chord crossing pedestal [a.u.] tsxr : time base DaLD : D_alpha emission from lower divertor [a.u.] tDaLD : time base neu : neutron production rate [10^{14} s^{-1}] tneu : time base for signal above p_spec : power spectrum of Mirnov coil fluctuations (20*Log10 scale) [a.u.] f_spec : ferquency axis of spectrogram [kHz] t_spec : time axis of spectrogram mpr_env : amplitude of magnetic fluctuation at the mode frequency [a.u.] tmpr_env: time base Fig. 3: Dataset_Fig_03_138143.h5, Dataset_Fig_03_138146.h5 nel : line integrated density from interferometer [m^{-2}] tnel : time base neu : neutron production rate [10^{14} s^{-1}] tneu : time base Irwm : Current of 3D field coil [kA] tIrwm : time base p_spech : power spectrum of Mirnov coil fluctuations (20*Log10 scale) [a.u.], high frequency band f_spech : ferquency axis of spectrogram [kHz] t_spech : time axis of spectrogram [s] p_specl : power spectrum of Mirnov coil fluctuations (20*Log10 scale) [a.u.], low frequency band f_specl : ferquency axis of spectrogram [kHz] t_specl : time axis of spectrogram [s] Fig. 4: Dataset_Fig_04.h5 Irwm : Current of 3D field coil [kA] tIrwm : time base neu : neutron production rate [10^{14} s^{-1}] tneu : time base p_spec : power spectrum of Mirnov coil fluctuations (20*Log scale) [a.u.] f_spec : ferquency axis of spectrogram [kHz] t_spec : time axis of spectrogram [s] p_specz : power spectrum of Mirnov coil fluctuations (linear scale) [a.u.] f_specz : ferquency axis of spectrogram [kHz] t_specz : time axis of spectrogram [s] also included nel : line integrated density from interferometer [m^{-2}] tnel : time base Ip : plasma current [MA] tIp : time base Fig. 5: fig_05a.TXT fig_05b.TXT fig_05c.TXT number of R-coordinate values R_coordinates number of Z-coordinate values Z_coordinates number of B_tw values B_tw_coordinates Fig. 6: fig_06_a.TXT columns explained in file fig_06b_2fl.TXT, fig_06b_vac.TXT first column: psi, second column <|delta B|> Fig. 7: fig_07.TXT number of x-values x-values number of y-values y-values number of z_values phase_space_value(y*nx+x) Fig. 8: fig_08_a_dbz.TXT time d_bz I_coil trace: the same as in fig.4A fig_08_b_no.TXT, fig_08_b_one.TXT, fig_08_b_two.TXT, fig_08_b_vac.TXT time power_loss fig08_c.TXT time 11 lines vacuum fields 11 lines one fluid 11 lines two fluid 11 lines Fig. 9: Blue phase space: same as in fig.7 for both frames fig_09a_loss.TXT, fig_09b_loss.TXT number of x-values x-values number of y-values y-values number of z_values phase_space_value(y*nx+x) Fig. 10: fig_10_a_1.TXT fig_10_a_2.TXT toroidal angle vertical fig_10_b.TXT, fig_10_c.TXT, fig_10_d.TXT, fig_10_e.TXT x_coordiante y_coordinate Fig. 11: fig_11.TXT time 10 lines none 10 lines vacuum 10 lines one fluid 10 lines two fluid 10 lines I_coil trace: the same as in fig.3B neutron trace: the same as in fig.3C Fig. 12: fig_12_ab.TXT, fig_12_cd.TXT, fig_12_ef.TXT number of x-values x-values number of y-values y-values number of z_values core_z_value(y*nx+x) edge_value(y*nx+x) Fig. 13: fig_13_ab_one.TXT one fluid fig_13_ab_two.TXT two fluid x edge_perturbed edge_not_perturbed core_perturbed core_not_perturbed fig_13_cd_one.TXT one fluid fig_13_cd_two.TXT two fluid x edge_perturbed edge_not_perturbed core_perturbed core_not_perturbed Fig. 14: Dataset_Fig_14.h5 Te : Electron temperature profile [keV] Te_err : errorbar on Te [keV] RTe : major radius of Te profile [m] ne : Electron density profile [10^{19} m^{-3}] ne_err : errorbar on ne [10^{19} m^{-3}] Rne : major radius of ne profile [m] ftor : Toroidal rotation frequency profile [kHz] ftor_err : errorbar on ftor [kHz] Rftor : major radius of Te profile [m] Fig. 15: Dataset_Fig_15.h5 y_n2_axis : normalized toroidal magnetic flux location of continuum modes, n=2, in axisymmetric equilibrium f_n2_axis : frequency of continuum modes [kHz], n=2, axisymmetric equilibrium f_n2_mpn3 : normalized toroidal magnetic flux location of continuum modes, n=2, with applied n=3 perturbations y_n2_mpn3 : frequency of continuum modes [kHz], n=2, applied n=3 perturbations f_n5_mpn3 : normalized toroidal magnetic flux location of continuum modes, n=5, with applied n=3 perturbations y_n5_mpn3 : frequency of continuum modes [kHz], n=5, applied n=3 perturbations