For each figure, numbered as in the paper, the 1st line provides the name of the corresponding data file. Each curve or set of data points in the figure is then represented as a pair of (X,Y) values. Curves and data using common X values are grouped together. Data associated with the left (right) vertical axis are indicated by "Y1" ("Y2"). Labels used in the plot are in brackets after the data column name. The columns in the files, including the column headers, are delimited by tabs. The columns are numbered from left to right, beginning at 1. Figure 1: no data; image only. Figure 2: Density_profiles_139047.txt X: col. 1, “psi_norm” [psi_n] Y1: col. 2, “n_e (m^-3)” [n_e] Y1: col. 6, “n_C(psi) (m^-3)” [n_C] X: col. 12, “psi_norm T_e” [psi_n] Y2: col. 13, “T_e (eV)” [T_e] X: col. 15, “psi_norm_T_i” [psi_n] Y2: col. 16, “T_i (eV)” [T_C] Figure 3: (a): nete_042616_100.txt X: col. 4, “T_e (eV)” [T_e (eV)] Y: col. 5, “L_rad (W-m^3)” [9.2e-6 s] nete_042616_2000.txt X: col. 4, “T_e (eV)” [T_e (eV)] Y: col. 5, “L_rad (W-m^3)” [1.8e-4 s] nete_042616_6000.txt X: col. 4, “T_e (eV)” [T_e (eV)] Y: col. 5, “L_rad (W-m^3)” [3.9e-3 s] nete_042616_8000.txt X: col. 4, “T_e (eV)” [T_e (eV)] Y: col. 5, “L_rad (W-m^3)” [2.2e-2 s] CE_042616_6000.txt X: col. 2, “T_e (eV)” [T_e (eV)] Y: col. 4, “L_rad CE (W-m^3)” [CE] (b): nete_042616_8000.txt X: col. 4, “T_e (eV)” [T_e (eV)] Y: col. 10, “n(+2)/n_tot” [+2, solid] Y: col. 11, “n(+3)/n_tot” [+3, solid] Y: col. 12, “n(+4)/n_tot” [+4, solid] Y: col. 13, “n(+5)/n_tot” [+5, solid] Y: col. 14, “n(+6)/n_tot” [+6, solid] CE_042616_6000.txt X: col. 2, “T_e (eV)” [T_e (eV)] Y: col. 8, “n(+2)/n_tot” [+2, dashed] Y: col. 9, “n(+3)/n_tot” [+3, dashed] Y: col. 10, “n(+4)/n_tot” [+4, dashed] Y: col. 11, “n(+5)/n_tot” [+5, dashed] Y: col. 12, “n(+6)/n_tot” [+6, dashed] Figure 4: (a): CE_042616_6000.txt X: col. 2, “T_e (eV)” [T_e (eV)] Y: col. 4, “L_rad CE (W-m^3)” [C CE] ionrec_sum_050616_1500.txt X: col. 3, “T_e (eV)” [T_e (eV)] Y: col. 4, “L_rad 0506 1500 (W-m^3)” [Orbit + E_R, dashed] ionrec_sum_050616_50K.txt X: col. 3, “T_e (eV)” [T_e (eV)] Y: col. 4, “L_rad 0506 50K (W-m^3)” [Orbit + E_R, solid] ionrec_sum_050716_1500.txt X: col. 3, “T_e (eV)” [T_e (eV)] Y: col. 4, “L_rad 0507 1500 (W-m^3)” [+ Recycling, dashed] ionrec_sum_050716_50K.txt X: col. 3, “T_e (eV)” [T_e (eV)] Y: col. 4, “L_rad 0507 50K (W-m^3)” [+ Recycling, solid] ionrec_sum_050216_1500.txt X: col. 3, “T_e (eV)” [T_e (eV)] Y: col. 4, “L_rad 0502 1500 (W-m^3)” [+ Collisions, dashed] ionrec_sum_050216_58K.txt X: col. 3, “T_e (eV)” [T_e (eV)] Y: col. 4, “L_rad 0502 58K (W-m^3)” [+ Collisions, solid] (b): CE_ratios_051716.txt X: col. 3, “T_e (eV)” [T_e (eV)] Y: col. 4, “L_rad Ne CE (W-m^3)” [Ne CE] ionrec_sum_imp1_2100.txt X: col. 3, “T_e (eV)” [T_e (eV)] Y: col. 4, “L_rad 0517 2100 (W-m^3)” [Neoclassical, dashed] ionrec_sum_imp1_50K.txt X: col. 3, “T_e (eV)” [T_e (eV)] Y: col. 4, “L_rad 0517 50K (W-m^3)” [Neoclassical, solid] Figure 5: prad_dist_ce_0502_nI.txt X: col. 1, “psi_n” [psi_n] Y1: col. 11, “dP/dV ce_0502_nI (W/m^3)”, [C Equilibrium] Y2: col. 3, “T_e (eV)” [T_e (eV)] prad_dist_050216_58K.txt X: col. 1, “psi_n” [psi_n] Y1: col. 12, “d P 0502 58K / d V (W/m^3)” [C Neoclassical] CE_ratios_051716.txt X: col. 1, “psi_n” [psi_n] Y1: col. 22, “d P / d V 50K (W m^3)” [Ne Equilibrium] ionrec_sum_imp1_50K.txt X: col. 1, “psi_n” [psi_n] Y1: col. 9, “Pr(psi) /V (W m^-3)” [Ne Neoclassical] Figure 6: ionrec_ce_prad_042616_8K_r.txt X: col. 2, “T_e (eV)” [T_e (eV)] Y: col. 6, “Pc(3)/Pc(psi)” [3 <—> 4, dashed] Y: col. 7, “Pc(4)/Pc(psi)” [4 <—> 5, dashed] Y: col. 8, “Pc(5)/Pc(psi)” [5 <—> 6, dashed] prad_dist_050216_58K_rev.txt X: col. 3, “T_e (eV)” [T_e (eV)] Y: col. 4, “Pc(1)/Pc(psi)” [1 <—> 2, solid] Y: col. 5, “Pc(2)/Pc(psi)” [2 <—> 3, solid] Y: col. 6, “Pc(3)/Pc(psi)” [3 <—> 4, solid] Y: col. 7, “Pc(4)/Pc(psi)” [4 <—> 5, solid] Y: col. 8, “Pc(5)/Pc(psi)” [5 <—> 6, solid] Figure 7: ionrec_ce_prad_051716_rev.txt X: col. 2, “T_e (eV)” [T_e (eV)] Y: col. 6, “Pc(3)/P(psi) CE” [3 <—> 4, dashed] Y: col. 7, “Pc(4)/P(psi) CE” [4 <—> 5, dashed] Y: col. 8, “Pc(5)/P(psi) CE” [5 <—> 6, dashed] Y: col. 9, “Pc(6)/P(psi) CE” [6 <—> 7, dashed] Y: col. 10, “Pc(7)/P(psi) CE” [7 <—> 8, dashed] Y: col. 11, “Pc(8)/P(psi) CE” [8 <—> 9, dashed] Y: col. 12, “Pc(9)/P(psi) CE” [9 <—> 10, dashed] prad_dist_051716_50K.txt X: col. 3, “T_e (eV)” [T_e (eV)] Y: col. 7, “Pc( 2)/Pc(psi)” [2 <—> 3, solid] Y: col. 8, “Pc( 3)/Pc(psi)” [3 <—> 4, solid] Y: col. 9, “Pc( 4)/Pc(psi)” [4 <—> 5, solid] Y: col. 10, “Pc( 5)/Pc(psi)” [5 <—> 6, solid] Y: col. 11, “Pc( 6)/Pc(psi)” [6 <—> 7, solid] Y: col. 12, “Pc( 7)/Pc(psi)” [7 <—> 8, solid] Y: col. 13, “Pc( 8)/Pc(psi)” [8 <—> 9, solid] Y: col. 14, “Pc( 9)/Pc(psi)” [9 <—> 10, solid]