data_Fig1a.dat contains the four traces plotted in Fig. 1a: Re(dWK/(-dW_inf)) for trapped thermal ions with bounce harmonic l=0 for MARS-K with nu=0, MARS-K with nu not equal zero, MISK with nu=0, and MISK with nu not equal zero. data_Fig1b.dat contains the four traces plotted in Fig. 1b: Re(dWK/(-dW_inf)) for trapped thermal electrons with bounce harmonic l=0 for MARS-K with nu=0, MARS-K with nu not equal zero, MISK with nu=0, and MISK with nu not equal zero. data_Fig1c.dat contains the six traces plotted in Fig. 1c: Re(dWK/(-dW_inf)) for MARS-K and MISK for trapped alpha particles with bounce harmonic l=0 ("Precession"), trapped alpha particles with bounce harmonic l not equal zero ("Bounce"), and circulating alpha particles. data_Fig2.dat contains the traces for real and imaginary d(dWK)/dPsi/(-dW_inf) for MARS-K and MISK for trapped alpha particles with bounce harmonic l=0. data_Fig3.dat contains the traces for real d(dWK)/dPsi/(-dW_inf) for MARS-K and MISK for the inertial and centrifugal components of dW_rot. data_Fig4.dat contains the contours of normalized growth rate, gamma*tau_w, for MISK calculations for ITER, vs. normalized rotation profile and alpha particle beta normalized to beta_total. data_Fig5.dat contains a comparison of the calculation from MARS-K and MISK of the imaginary part of the plasma dispersion function, Z(y), for purely imaginary y, to the curves given in Ref. [46]. data_Fig6a.dat and data_Fig6b.dat contain a comparison of the calculation from MARS-K and MISK of the a) real and b) imaginary parts of the plasma dispersion function, Z(y), for purely real y, to the curves given in Ref. [46]. data_Fig7a.dat and data_Fig7b.dat contain a comparison of the calculation of the a) real and b) imaginary parts of Y(y), for purely real y, between MARS-K and MISK. data_Fig8a.dat and data_Fig8b.dat contain a comparison of the calculations from MARS-K and MISK of the a) real and b) imaginary parts of the plasma dispersion function, Z(y), for complex y, to the curves given in Ref. [46]. data_Fig9a.dat and data_Fig9b.dat contain a comparison of the calculation of the a) real and b) imaginary parts of Y(y), for complex y, between MARS-K and MISK.