Readme File for digital repository data Injected mass deposition thresholds for lithium granule instigated triggering of edge localized modes on EAST by Robert Lunsford et al., EAST70601_Fig1_data.txt contains MDS+ traces of g;obal EAST plasma parameters for discharge 70601. Column 1 is plasma current, column 2 is electron density, column 3 is WMHD, column 4 is Da, and column 5 is the PXUV trace. Colums 1,2,4 and 5 have a 1ms time base while column 3 is an efit reconstruction of 382 equally spaced measurements EAST70605TS_FIg7_data.txt contains Thomson scattering data for dishcarge #70605. The first row is the radial coordinate, the next row is the times that the measurements were taken, the next 30 rows are temperatue, the following 30 rows are temperature errors, this is followed by 30 rows of density measurements and 30 rows of density errors. EASTNGSSIM_FIg8_data.txt contains 4 columns. Columns 1 and 3 are the time bases for the data in columns 2 and 4 respectively. Where column 2 is the camera record measurement and column 4 is the simulation. EASTNGS_Inject_Fig9_data.txt contains 6 columns. Column 1 is the radial coordiante and column 2 is the plasma density. Columns 3-6 are the simulated granule atomic ablations in decreasing granule radius. EAST_FIg10_panel(1-4).txt contains four columns columns 1 and 3 are the time base for columns 2(PXUV) and column 4(Da) respectively for each of the 4 panels in the figure. EAST_Fig11_data.txt contains 3 columns, the first two are the triggering efficiency and granule diameter, the third column is not used in this graph EAST_Fig14_data.txt contains 3 columns of interest, column 1 is the discharge time, column 2 is the granule triggering efficiency for that 100 ms block and column 3 is the average granule diameter in microns for that triggering block.