Title: Plasma boundary shape control and real-time equilibrium reconstruction on NSTX-U Authors: M. D. Boyer, D. J. Battaglia, D. Mueller, N. Eidietis, K. Erickson, J. Ferron, D. A. Gates, S. Gerhardt, R. Johnson, E. Kolemen, J. Menard, C. E. Myers, S. A. Sabbagh, F. Scotti, P. Vail Journal: Nuclear Fusion Data for all figures displaying quantitative data is contained in archive_data.h5. (A viewer for HDF5 files is available at https://support.hdfgroup.org/projects/compass/) The file contains a group for each figure (or in some cases a set of sub-figures). The groups/figures are described below. Figure 1: Within this group is a group containing the locations of each of the magnetic diagnostics displayed in the figure, with attributes for each describing its marker style. The x,y positions defining the line segments making up the limiter surface are also provided. Units are in m. Figure 2: Within this group is a group containing the isoflux algorithm control segment, grid, and point locations. Also included are the x,y positions of the displayed boundary, and the limiter surface. Units are in m. Figure 3: This figure is a qualitative description of a typical shot timeline, so no data is provided in the archive. Figure 4: Within this group is a group for panel a and panel b. The group for panel a contains the following groups: Limiter - x, y positions of the line segments defining the limiter FluxPlot_Time=0.42s - Contains groups containing x, y positions of the inboard, secondary, and boundary flux surfaces for time=0.42s. FluxPlot_Time=1.00s - Contains groups containing x, y positions of the inboard, secondary, and boundary flux surfaces for time=1.00s. control_segment_u/l: groups containing the x,y positions of the upper and lower control segments ohm_sensor - x,y position of the inboard flux loop [ppp,spp]_sensors_[u,l] - [primary, secondary] passive plate flux loop x,y locations [u=upper, l=lower]. [ppp,spp]_bsensors_[u,l] - [primary, secondary] passive plate b probe x,y locations [u=upper, l=lower]. The group for panel b contains the following groups: EFIT boundary flux: boundary location vs. time EFIT inboard flux: inboard flux surface location vs. time EFIT secondary flux: secondary flux surface location vs. time Inboard flux projection: Real-time estimated inboard flux location vs. time Secondary flux projection: Real-time estimated secondary flux surface location vs. time Inboard flux target: Target location for the inboard flux location vs. time Secondary flux target: Target location for the secondary flux location vs. time time[1,2]_vline: vertical lines indicating the times shown in panel a. Figure 5: Contains the following items to describe each bar in the figure - threads - total number of threads brach_1_threads - number of threads allocated to branch 1 calculations coil_currents - number of coil currents fit vessel_segments - number of vessel currents fit slow_loop_time - time needed for slow loop calculations shot - test shot number tree - MDSplus tree name Figure 6: Contains a group for each panel a-h. Panels a, c, e, g contain the gap size in m as a function of time for rtEFIT and EFIT04 for the upper outer gap, lower outer gap, mid-plane outer gap, and mid-plane inner gap, respectively. Panels b, d, f, h contain the deviation of the rtEFIT estimate from the EFIT04 estimate for each gap. Figure 7: Contains a group called ‘aliasing’ that contains the data for the three lines shown: PCS current, slow loop current, and chi-squared (chisq). Figure 8: Contains groups called ‘chisq’ and ‘betan’, each containing the data for that data with and without the anti-aliasing filter applied. Figure 9: Contains a group called ‘panel_a’ containing the data for the reconstructed gaps (measured in distance along the control segment) and the targets for the lower outer gap and the mid-plane outer gap. Figure 10: Contains groups for panel a and panel b. The panel a group contains the x, y locations of the segments defining the limiter boundary and the control points for the lower, mid, and upper outer gaps. The FluxPlot_a group contains the x,y data for the reference flux surface, boundary flux surface, and the set of closed surfaces that are plotted in panel a. The panel b group contains the x, y locations of the segments defining the limiter boundary and the control points for the lower, mid, and upper outer gaps. The FluxPlot_b group contains the x,y data for the boundary flux surface and the set of closed surfaces that are plotted in panel b. Figure 11: Contains a group called ‘panel’ containing the upper X-point R and Z results and targets. Figure 12: Contains a group called ‘panel’ containing the following groups- Limiter - x,y points of segments defining limiter boundaryer gaps lower/mid/upper_outer_point - control points for lower, mid-plain, and upper out lower/upper_xpt_zreq4 - line at the target z position for the upper and lower x-points lower/upper_strike_point_req[1-4] - Target location for the lower and upper strike point locations for 4 different times during the shot (times indicated in legend and group attributes). FluxPlot[1-4] - contains x,y data defining the boundary surface for each of 4 different times during the shot (times indicated in legend and group attributes). Figure 13: Contains a group called ‘CII emission’ containing the x, y, and z data of the displayed contour plot (x=Time [s], y=radius [m], z=C II emission). Also contains a group called ‘time_traces’, containing the x,y data for time traces of the lower strike point location and the strike point target location. The time of the strikeout control start is also archived. Figure 14: Contains groups panel_[a,b,c]. Each group contains the x,y data of the boundary flux surfaces, closed flux surfaces, and control points displayed, along with the x,y points of the lines describing the limiter surface. Figure 15: Contains a group called panel containing x,y data for each of the traces displayed in the figure, i.e., the target and filtered/unfiltered drsep result for shots 203734 and 203735. Figure 16: Schematic, no data. Figure 17: Contains groups for panels a, b, and c. Panel a contains: x,y data for the inner gap target in ‘Target’, and the achieved results from two shots - 204737 (control off) and 204742 (control on). Panel b contains: x,y data for the upper outer control point R target from two shots - 204737 (control off) and 204742 (control on). Panel c contains: x,y data for the upper X-point R target from two shots - 204737 (control off) and 204742 (control on).