A Windows ZIP file is provided with a number of figure files, as follows: Fig. 1 A two-column file is given for each time trace with the following columns: [time, quantity]. The type of data and the shot number are given within the file name (e.g. Fig1_data_ip_204551.txt). Fig. 2 Image jpeg is provided. Fig. 3 A single multi-column file is provided for each time slice of Thomson scattering and charge exchange data. The time slice is indicated by the file name. Thomson scattering columns: [R, ne, dne, Te, dTe] Charge exchange columns: [R, nd, dnd, nc, dnc, ti, dti, zeff, dzeff, ft, dft] Fig. 4 One multi-column file given for each subplot, with column ordering as given: 4a: [rho, Te, Ti, TiNC pred] 4b: [rho, Qe, Qi, Qe NC pred, Qi NC pred] 4c: [rho, chi_e, chi_e NC pred, chi_i] Fig. 5 Python pickle file (binary file, native to Python) for Figure 5. The unpicked object is a list. The first elements in the list are R/Z points for figure 5a. List elements 2-13 are frequency and cross-power arrays for figure 5b. List elements 14-17 are rho and delta-I/I arrays for figure 5c. Fig. 6 Python pickle file (binary file, native to Python) for Figure 6. The first element in the unpickled list is the frequency array for figure 6a and 6b. Elements 2 and 3 are the bin-averaged cross-phase and standard deviation (grey band) in figure 6b. Elements 4 and 5 are the bin-averaged coherence and standard deviation (grey band) in figure 6a. Fig. 7 Column data for [ky,wr,wi] are given for subplots (a & b) and (c & d) in the separated files (columns are labeled) Fig. 8 Column data are provided for frequencies and growth rates vs. rho, for each subplot (columns are labeled). Fig. 9 Column data are provided for each heat flux vs. row (columns are labeled). Fig. 10 Column data are provided for heat flux spectra vs. ky, for each case (columns are labeled for each case). Fig. 11 Column data are provided for each heat flux spectra vs. ky (columns labeled for each case).