Data is organised in directories corresponding to figure numbers in the accepted paper. Where there are multiple plots in one figure, they are organised by letter in order left -> right on consecutive lines. Specific information about format etc. is found below. FIG1 a, b, c FIG2 a, b, c .node format: First line: <# of vertices> <# of attributes> <# of boundary markers (0 or 1)> Remaining lines: [attributes] [boundary marker] Blank lines and comments prefixed by `#' may be placed anywhere. Vertices must be numbered consecutively, starting from one or zero. .ele format: First line: <# of triangles> <# of attributes> Remaining lines: ... [attributes] Blank lines and comments prefixed by `#' may be placed anywhere. Triangles must be numbered consecutively, starting from one or zero. Nodes are indices into the corresponding .node file. The first three nodes are the corner vertices, and are listed in counterclockwise order around each triangle. (The remaining nodes, if any, depend on the type of finite element used.) FIG3 a, b format: time (ms), growth rate (kHz) FIG3 c, d FIG5 a, b perturbed electrostatic potential (arbitrary units) format: x, y matrix with real boundaries given in first line (min r, max r, min z, max z); NaN correspond to areas out of simulation boundary FIG4 format: a/L_T (defined in paper, growth rate (Hz) second part of file name corresponds to line label FIG6 a perturbed electrostatic potential (arbitrary units) format: s, theta matrix with boundaries 0