This includes data from the NeurIPS 2019 arXiv paper, and from the follow-on Physics of Plasmas paper. Fig. 1 -> no data Fig. 2 -> no data Fig. 3 -> no data Fig. 4 -> Data stored in 154056.h5. f['LFS'] is the data, and plot each channel (20 x 8) Fig. 5 -> Data in slurm-2575472.out (only in PoP paper) Fig. 6 -> Data stored in roc_plot.npz. fprs and tprs are from each threshold/alarm window combination, and fprgood and tprgood are the convex hull Fig. 7 -> Data stored in warning_times.npz. Fig. 8 -> Data stored in pred_145018.h5 and scope_145018.h5. scope file generated by OMFIT, more details can be found there. Fig. 9 -> Data stored in pred_149485.h5 and scope_145018.h5. scope file generated by OMFIT, more details can be found there.