Every figure was created with python/matplotlib/pyplot Reproducing the figures needs access to the NSTX MDSPlus system and to portal.pppl.gov which are available upon request. The GPI video files are available on portal.pppl.gov at /p/nstxcam/Phantom710-9205/2010 By installing the packages (see below) and using the mentioned command, one can reproduce their data content. The figures were further touched up by Adobe Illustrator without hindering the data content. These can be read with free and open-source software. The following python packages are required for the codes to run: Python v3.7 Matplotlib v3.1.3 NumPy v1.18.1 OpenCV2 v3.4.2 PIMS v0.4.1 SciPy v1.4.1 Pandas 1.0.1 MDSplus v7.86.0 Later versions may be compatible, but it is not guaranteed. The utilized versions of the library called FLAP and its child library FLAP_NSTX and FLAP_MDSPlus are included in the package. They should be added to the python path. These libraries are also available on GitHub at https://github.com/fusion-flap/flap and https://github.com/fusion-flap/flap_nstx A workspace needs to be initialized for the codes to run. This is described in the documentation of FLAP. The data files should be copied into the processed_data directory inside the working directory. The GPI data needs to be in the data directory in the flap.cfg file. An example cfg file is attached to the ARK_data.zip. Reproducing figure 1-15: compile: flap_nstx/analysis/plot_results_for_publication.py run: plot_results_for_paper(plot_figure=[1-15])