README Fig 1 The (x,y) data for each group of points is stored in variables named fig1_{blue,red,green}_{xdata,ydata} Fig 2 The (x,y) data for each group of points is stored in variables named fig2_{blue,red,green}_{xdata,ydata} Fig 3 fig3_dbpar_pol_{xdata,ydata,zdata,cdata} stores the background color data for the top left figure fig3_dbpar_tor_{xdata,ydata,zdata,cdata} stores the background color data for the bottom left figure fig3_dbperp_pol_{xdata,ydata,zdata,cdata} stores the background color data for the top right figure fig3_dbperp_tor_{xdata,ydata,zdata,cdata} stores the background color data for the bottom right figure fig3_psi{1,2,3,4,5,6}_{xdata,ydata} store the psi contours plotted in the top figures fig3_{rhfs,rax,rlfs,rcut}_{xdata,ydata} store the curves on the bottom plot which indicate the high field side of the plasma, magnetic axis, low field side, and toroidal angle where the poloidal cuts are taken for the top figures. Fig 4 fig4_m{0,1,2,3,4}_dbpar_{xdata,ydata,zdata,cdata} store the background color data for each of the top figures fig4_m{0,1,2,3,4}_psi{1,2,3,4,5,6}_{xdata,ydata} store the psi contours for each of the top figures. The bottom figure does not contain original data; it is reproduced from the given reference. Fig 5 fig5_dbpar_pol_{xdata,ydata,zdata,cdata} stores the background color data for the top left figure fig5_dbpar_tor_{xdata,ydata,zdata,cdata} stores the background color data for the bottom left figure fig5_dbperp_pol_{xdata,ydata,zdata,cdata} stores the background color data for the top right figure fig5_dbperp_tor_{xdata,ydata,zdata,cdata} stores the background color data for the bottom right figure fig5_psi{1,2,3,4,5,6}_{xdata,ydata} store the psi contours plotted in the top figures fig5_{rhfs,rax,rlfs,rcut}_{xdata,ydata} store the curves on the bottom plot which indicate the high field side of the plasma, magnetic axis, low field side, and toroidal angle where the poloidal cuts are taken for the top figures. Fig 6 fig6_db_m{0,1,2,3,4}_{xdata,ydata,zdata,cdata} store the background color data for each of the plots, according to the m number label. fig6_psi{1,2,3,4,5,6}_m{0,1,2,3,4}_{xdata,ydata} store the psi contours for each plot in the same fashion. Fig 7 fig7_n{8,9,10}_{squares,triangles,squares}_{xdata,ydata,cdata} store the (x,y,color) data for each group of data points in each subfigure with the corresponding n value. Fig 8 fig8_points_{xdata,ydata,zdata,cdata} store the data for the points in the figure. fig8_curve{1,2,3,4,5}_{xdata,ydata} store the data for each of the dashed curves Fig 9 fig9_n{3,4,5,6,8,9,10,12}_{stable,unstable}_{xdata,ydata,zdata,cdata} store the data for stable (white points) and unstable (colored points) modes for each labeled n value. Fig 10 fig10_{blue,red,green}_{xdata,ydata} store the data for each group of data points Fig 11 fig11_{blue,red_green}_{xdata,ydata} store the data for each group of data points Fig 12 fig12{a,b,c}_{theory,sim}_{xdata,ydata,zdata,cdata} store the data for the background color data (theory) and individual points (sim) for subfigures a,b,c. Fig 13 fig13a_{squares,triangles}_{xdata,ydata} store the data for each set of points in subfigure a fig13a_line_{xdata,ydata} store the data for the boundary line in subfigure a fig13b_circles_{xdata,ydata} store the data for the points in subfigure b fig13a_line_{xdata,ydata} store the data for the boundary line in subfigure b Fig 14 fig14{a,b,c}_theory_{xdata,ydata,zdata,cdata} store the data for the background color in each subfigure fig14{a,b,c}_sim_{xdata,ydata,zdata} store the data for the points in each subfigure fig14a_dash_{xdata,ydata} store the data for the dashed line in subfigure a Fig 15 fig15_sim_{blue,red,green}_{xdata,ydata} store the data for the solid curves fig15_theory_{blue,red,green}_{xdata,ydata} store the data for the dashed curves Fig 16 fig16_sim_{blue,red,green}_{xdata,ydata} store the data for the solid curves fig16_theory_{blue,red,green}_{xdata,ydata} store the data for the dashed curves Fig 17 fig17_{solid,dash}_{red,green}_{xdata,ydata} store the data for each of the curves Fig 18 fig18_{blue,red,green}_points_{xdata,ydata} store the data for the simulation points fig18_{blue,red,green}_line_{xdata,ydata} store the data for the solid best fit lines fig18_dash_{xdata,ydata} store the data for the vertical dashed line Fig 19 fig19_points_{xdata,ydata,cdata} store the data for the points fig19_shade_{xdata,ydata} store the bounding coordinates of the shaded region