The hdf5 titled "LHsynergyDMP.h5" contains all data needed to reproduce figures in this paper. The data is divided into groups by figure, i.e. "/fig01/", "/fig02/" etc, then by panel, then by quantity plotted. The following is a detailed explanation of each figure group's data. fig01: Data is first split into the two discharges by shot number, 85122 and 90328. Under each discharge, the "time" variable is the x data points for all panels (except panel f). Panels (a) through (e) data are stored in "/fig01/85122/a/" through "/fig01/85122/e/", and are appropriately labeled. Panel (f)'s simulated internal inductance li also uses the "time" variable above. But the experimentally measured li is on its own efit time points (also stored under group /f/). fig02: Panel (a) data is stored in (R, Z) for each data set as labeled. Panel (b) and (c) data is stored as x and value under each group. fig03: The limiter, LCFS, and magnetic axis are common to both panels. Group /a/ and /b/ contain the R,Z coordinates for beginning and end points of the view chords for HXR and POINT respectively. fig04: Panel (a) group stores x, 2.45 GHz spectrum, and 4.6 GHz spectrum) Panel (b) group stores x and spectrum for each model. fig05: For each panel group, the x, value, and error are stored with respective labels. fig06: For each panel group, the x, value, and error are stored with respective labels. fig07: For each panel, time and data are labeled by shot. fig08: Data is first divided by shot, then by panel. fig09: For each density, the x, efficiency, and efficiency error values are stored. fig10: For each panel, the efficiency and error values are stored and labeled by dataset. fig11: Panel (a) group stores the 2D contour. Lines of constant density are plotted for 1e11 to 1e18 in powers of 10. Panels (b) through (e) each contain the normalized v_par and density function, labeled by dataset.