Data for the paper "To dee or not to dee: costs and benefits of altering the triangularity of a steady-state DEMO-like reactor" J.A. Schwartz, A.O. Nelson, E.Kolemen to be published in Nuclear Fusion, 2022, with DOI ======== Contents ======== Copies of the figures: ---------------------- Figure_1.pdf Figure_2.pdf Figure_3.pdf Figure_4.pdf Figure_5.pdf Figure_6.pdf Figure_7.pdf Figure_8.pdf Figure_9.pdf Figure_10.pdf Figure_11.pdf Data presented directly in the figures: ---------------------------------------- These data should be self-explanatory except where noted. See headers in the files. Figure_1_data.csv Figure_2_data.csv Figure_3_data.csv Figure_4_a.csv Figure_4_b.csv Figure_4_c.csv Figure_5_scan1.csv Figure_5_scan1b.csv Figure_5_scan2.csv Figure_5_scan3.csv Figure_5_scan4.csv Each scan.csv file contains data shown in every panel of the figure, (a) through (n), but only for a single Scan (line color). Figure_6_data.csv Figure_7_data.csv Figure_8_data.csv Figure_9_x_values.csv Figure_9_y_values.csv See instructions in the files. Figure_10_a_contour_r.csv Figure_10_a_contour_z.csv Figure_10_a_contour_value.csv Figure_10_a_lcfs.csv Figure_10_b_contour_r.csv Figure_10_b_contour_z.csv Figure_10_b_contour_value.csv Figure_10_b_lcfs.csv Contour plots require three two-dimensional grids of information. For each subfigure (a) and (b) we provide grids of r (horizontal) data locations, z (vertical) data locations, and values (data values). These can be plotted with routines like matplotlib's "plt.contour(r, z, value)" The lcfs.csv files represent the loci of the plasma last closed flux surface. Selected scripts to plot figures and/or generate data ----------------------------------------------------- Figure_1_generation.nb Figure_3_generation.nb These two Mathematica notebook files are provided for convenience. ====================================== Additional Data and model for Figure 9 ====================================== Here I include the FAROES model and associated files to recreate the data. FAROES commit ad5fd8de128f0ba848783507dbbe3bce2c8798fd from Aug 10, 2021 was used. FAROES itself is not included here. It was ran with python3.9, along with OpenMDAO 3.15.0. This is the top-level script. When run it should produce the delta_*_lcoe_*.sql files. Figure_9_DEMO.yaml FAROES settings file. This is the FAROES model used for the study. This is an auxilliary file needed by delta_*_lcoe_*.sql These files are produced by These are dumps of the solved tokamak model state. Each of these sql files corresponds to a single point in Figure_9. This must be run after the sql files are generated. It produces Figure_9.pdf.