README.txt for supplementary information dataset for Geyman et al. (2022): "The origin of non-skeletal carbonate mud and implications for global climate" Citation for article: Geyman, E.C., Wu, Z., Nadeau, M.D., Edmonsond, S., Turner, A., Purkis, S.J., Howes, B., Dyer, B., Ahm, A-S.C., Yao, N., Deutsch, C.A., Higgins, J.A., Stolper, D.A., and Maloof, A.C. 2022. "The origin of non-skeletal carbonate mud and implications for global climate". PNAS, Citation for dataset: Geyman, E.C., Wu, Z., Nadeau, M.D., Edmonsond, S., Turner, A., Purkis, S.J., Howes, B., Dyer, B., Ahm, A-S.C., Yao, N., Deutsch, C.A., Higgins, J.A., Stolper, D.A., and Maloof, A.C. 2022. Data for: "The origin of non-skeletal carbonate mud and implications for global climate." [Dataset] Princeton University, This dataset consists of 5 .csv files, described below. ______________________________________________________ trace_elements.csv: Concentrations of major, minor, and trace elements, measured on a Thermo Fisher I-Cap Q inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (ICP-MS) in the Department of Geosciences at Princeton University. Column headers and units: Sample name, 7Li(ppb), 11B(ppb), 23Na(ppb), 24Mg(ppm), 27Al(ppb), 31P(ppb), 39K(ppb), 42Ca(ppm), 55Mn(ppb), 57Fe(ppb), 85Rb(ppb), 88Sr(ppb), 238U(ppb) Note that "ud" means "undetectable". There are typically 2-7 lines for each sample; each line represents a replicate analysis. ______________________________________________________ D47_averages.csv: Means, standard deviations, and standard errors of clumped-isotope (D47), d13C, and d18O values measured on a Thermo 253 Plus gas-source isotope-ratio mass spectrometer (IRMS) in the Earth and Planetary Sciences Department at the University of California, Berkeley. D47 values were placed in the I-CDES reference frame given in Bernasconi et al. (2021) using the ETH standards. See methods section of Geyman et al. (2022) for more details. Column headers and units: Count, Sample ID, oringinal sample name, kind, D47 corrected to ETH (permil), D47 std dev (permil), D47 std error (permil), Eth T (deg C), Eth T Std Dev (deg C), Eth T Std Error (deg C), d13C (permil, vpdb), d13C std dev (permil), d13C std error (permil), d18O mineral (permil, vpdb), d18O std dev (permil), d18O std error (permil), d18O mineral (permil, vsmow), d18O std dev (permil), d18O std error (permil) ______________________________________________________ D47_individual_analyses.csv: Values for d13C, d18O, D47 (measured on a Thermo 253 Plus gas-source isotope-ratio mass spectrometer at UC Berkeley) for individual analyses of the samples listed in D47_averages.csv (each sample was analyzed 3-5 times). Column headers and units: User, date, Type, Sample ID, spec #'s, mineral, rxnTemp, k-factor, d13C (permil, vpdb), d13C_stdev (permil), d18O_gas (permil, vsmow), d18O_mineral (permil, vpdb), d18O_stdev (permil), d47 (permil), d47_stdev (permil), D47 (v. Oz), D47_pbl, D47_stdev (permil), D47_sterr (permil), d48 (permil), d48_stdev (permil), D48 (permil), D48_stdev (permil), d49 (permil), d49_stdev (permil), D49 (permil), D49_stdev (permil), d47 intercept, D47 intercept, d48 intercept, D48 intercept, D47 proj to 0, D47 abs ref, acid digestion D47, corrected to ETH (permil), Eth T (deg C), d13C (permil, vpdb), d13C_stdev (permil), d18O_mineral (permil, vpdb), d18O_stdev (permil), d18O_min (permil, vsmow) ______________________________________________________ D47_standards.csv: d18O, d13C, and D47 values (ETH corrected averages) of four standards (CAR1, TRV1, IAEA-603, IAEA-C2) monitored during four analytical sessions (June 2021 - March 2022) during which the samples in this study were measured. Column headers and units: Quantity (D47/d18O/d13C/n), metric (average/stdev), CAR1 (permil), TRV1 (permil), IAEA-603 (permil), IAEA-C2 (permil) ______________________________________________________ XRD.csv: Carbonate mineralogy measurements (differentiating aragonite, high-magnesium calcite, and low-magnesium calcite) obtained using a Bruker D8 Discover X-Ray Diffractometer at Princeton University, following the methodology described in Edmonsond & Maloof (2021). Column headers and units: Sample Name, Aragonite (%), HMC (%), LMC (%) ______________________________________________________ The stable isotope (d13C and d18O) data were previously published in: Geyman, E.C. & Maloof, A.C. 2021. Facies control on d13C on the Great Bahama Bank, Geology 49(9): 1049-1054, These data can be downloaded from: Note that this previous Princeton Dataspace entry (see URL above) contains a file called waypoints.csv, which has the GPS locations of each sample site. ______________________________________________________ References: Bernasconi SM, et al. (2021) InterCarb: A community effort to improve interlaboratory standardization of the carbonate clumped isotope thermometer using carbonate standards. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 22(5). Edmonsond S, Maloof AC (2021) Were shallow carbonate geochemistry and production different during the last interglacial period? Senior Thesis, Princeton University.