README.TXT The file in this repository contains 276 flies collected for Coen et al 2014 [1] in a v7.3 MATLAB .mat file compressed as a .tar.gz. Each member of the structure contains values for all 17 movement features described in the associated manuscript. These are: mFV/fFV - male/female forward velocity mLS/fLS - male/female lateral speed mfAngle/fmAngle - male (female) angle relative to the centroid of the female (male) mFA/fFA - male/female forward acceleration mLA/fLA - male/female lateral acceleration mfDist - distance between the male and the female mfFV/fmFV - component of the male (female) velocity in the direction of the female (male) mfLV/fmLV - component of the male (female) velocity orthogonal to the female (male) mRS/fRS - male/female rotational speed In addition, song was recorded and stored at a different rate (10 kHz). The center of each detected pulse is in the 'pulseTimes' field while the start and end of each detected run of sine song is in 'sineTimes'. Song recorded at 10 kHz can be converted into the 'frames' of the features using the frame rate in the 'fps' field. Copulation was manually scored and reported in the 'copulationFrame' field. The strain of the animal is reported in the 'strain' field. [1] Coen, Clemens, Weinstein, Pacheco, Deng, Murthy. Dynamic sensory cues shape song structure in Drosophila. Nature, 507 (7491):233-237, March 2014.