Task: This dataset contains of 18 subjects passively listening to an audio Story1 (“MilkyWay”) and 18 subjects passively listening to an audio Story2 (“Vodka”). Each subject has one functional run of 297 TRs, during which s/he heard an audio story (“Milky Way” or “Vodka”), while viewing a gray screen. Subjects were instructed to attend to the details of the narrative. Image acquisition: All imaging data were acquired using a 3T Siemens Skyra MRI scanner with a 16-channel head coil. Functional images were obtained with a T2*-weighted EPI sequence: TR=1500ms, TE=28ms, FOV=192mm, flip angle=64, thickness=4mm (3x3x4mm voxels). 27 oblique axial slices aligned to the anterior/posterior-commissure line were collected in interleaved order. To align scans high-resolution MPRAGE T1-weighted anatomical images were collected. Image preprocessing: The first 2 volumes of each functional run were discarded for T1 equilibration. Functional data were preprocesses and analyzed using FSL (www.fmrib.ox.ac.uk/fsl), including correction of head motion and slice-acquisition time, spatial smoothing (6mm FWHM Gaussian kernel), and high pass temporal filtering. Preprocessed data were aligned to the anatomical images and the standard MNI152 brain, and interpolated to 3mm isotropic voxels. File descriptions: * There are 18 subjects that listened to Story1 (18 nifti files, “subj1” to “subj18”)and 18 subjects that listened to Story2 (18 nifti files, “subj19” to “subj36”). * Story1 audio file (“milky.aiff”) and Story2 audio file (“Vodka.aiff”) * Story1 text (“MilkyWayNew.doc”) and Story2 text (“vodkaNew.doc”) The scan included: 18 seconds of music, 3 seconds of silence, and then the story started. At the end of the story there were 15 seconds of silence. As the TR was 1.5 seconds, the story actually started at TR=15, and ended at TR=283. This is true for all the subjects, except Subj18 and Subj27 who started at TR=11 and ended at TR=279 (due to trigger issues in the scanner). Note from Neggin Keshavarzian, Data Curator, neggink@princeton.edu: All identifiable information in this dataset has been removed; facial information removed via brain extraction, and other identifiable metadata removed from the NIFTI headers.