README.txt for Howes, Maloof, and Mehra (2021) dataset. Citation for Article: Howes, B.J., Mehra, A.K., & Maloof, A.C. 2021. Three-Dimensional Morphometry of Ooids in Oolites: a new tool for more accurate and precise paleoenvironmental interpretation, Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, XXX-XXX. Citation for Dataset: Howes, B.J., Mehra, A.K., & Maloof, A.C. 2021. Data for: Three-Dimensional Morphometry of Ooids in Oolites: a new tool for more accurate and precise paleoenvironmental interpretation, Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, XXX-XXX. The dataset consists two image stacks (.tifs) and two 3D models (.raw) GBG/images: 2261 images, each is ~117 Mb GBGooids.raw: dimensions = [1318 990 1134], type = 'uint32' GBGooids.raw is the 3D model of the segmented Great Bank of Guizhou oolite. It can be opened, viewed, and analyzed with most 3D rendering softwares (e.g. Avizo, Dragonfly). Common coding languages such as MatLab and Python are also capable of opening the .raw, viewing the 3D model, and analyzing the ooids. Joulters/images: 847 images, each is ~13 Mb joulters_oolite.raw: dimensions = [780 780 2541], type = 'uint32' joulters_oolite.raw is the 3D model of the segmented oolite from Joulter's Cay, The Bahamas. It can be opened, viewed, and analyzed with most 3D rendering softwares (e.g. Avizo, Dragonfly). Common coding languages such as MatLab and Python are also capable of opening the .raw, viewing the 3D model, and analyzing the ooids.