AUTHORS Eleanor J. Berryman, J. M. Winey, Yogendra M. Gupta, Thomas S. Duffy ASSOCIATED PUBLICATION TITLE Sound velocities in shock-synthesized stishovite to 72 GPa JOURNAL Geophysical Research Letters PUBLICATION YEAR 2019 - 2020 DATA COLLECTION YEAR 2017 - 2018 DATA COLLECTION LOCATION Institute for Shock Physics, Washington State University, Pullman, WA, USA DATA DESCRIPTION The enclosed datasets consists of wave-profiles (particle velocity versus time) collected by VISAR (Velocity Interferometer System for Any Reflector) and PDV (Photon Doppler Velocimetry) probes in the wave-transmission and front-surface-impact plate-impact experiments detailed in the publication identified above. In the wave-transmission experiments (17-2S49, 18-2S13, 17-2S50, 18-2SH10), wave profiles were collected from an Al-coating at the fused-silica -- LiF window interface located at the back of the fused-silica sample. The 0 ns timestamp is fixed to the time of impact at the center of the fused-silica impact surface, as determined from an additional three PDV probes focused on an Al coating on the impact surface. The shock breakout time recorded by all PDV oscilloscopes was corrected for the laser delay (<0.5ns) and for any variability in the length of the optical fibres. In the front-surface-impact experiments (17-2S33, 17-2S37, 18-2SH22, 18-2SH16, 18-2SH15, 18-2SH06, 18-2SH13), wave profiles were collected from an Al-coating at the center of the LiF impact surface. The time of impact as identified by a sharp rise in particle velocity was set to 0 ns. Each datafile consists of two columns of data: Column 1: time in microseconds Column 2: particle velocity in kilometers/second