This WED_VLP_auditory_responses_readme.txt file was generated on 06.06.2022 by Christa A. Baker GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Title of Dataset: Calcium responses to acoustic stimuli in Drosophila melanogaster 2. Author Information A. Principal Investigator Contact Information Name: Mala Murthy Institution: Princeton University Email: B. Associate or Co-investigator Contact Information Name: Christa A. Baker Institution: Princeton University Email: 3. Date of data collection: from 2017-05-02 to 2019-08-18 4. Geographic location of data collection: Princeton, New Jersey, US. SHARING/ACCESS INFORMATION 1. Licenses/restrictions placed on the data: none. 2. Recommended citation for this dataset: Baker, C.A., McKellar, C., Pang, R., Nern, A., Dorkenwald, S., Pacheco, D.A., Eckstein, N., Funke, J., Dickson, B.J., Murthy, M. (2022). Calcium responses to acoustic stimuli in Drosophila melanogaster. Distributed by DataSpace, Princeton University. 3. Corresponding paper: Baker, C.A., McKellar, C., Pang, R., Nern, A., Dorkenwald, S., Pacheco, D.A., Eckstein, N., Funke, J., Dickson, B.J., Murthy, M. (2022). Neural Network Organization for Courtship Song Feature Detection in Drosophila. DATA & FILE OVERVIEW 1. File List: README.txt Baker_et_al_CB_psn_responses.mat: this a dataset (across-trial mean auditory responses) from 143 female flies, stimuli delivered: pulse, sine and noise. Baker_et_al_CB_ipiFreq_responses.mat: this is a dataset (across-trial mean auditory responses) from 131 female flies, stimuli delivered: pulse trains at 5 different interpulse intervals (16, 36, 56, 76, 96 ms) and sine tones at 5 different frequencies (100, 200, 300, 500, 800 Hz) METHODOLOGICAL INFORMATION 1. Description of methods used for collection/generation of data: We collected this functional imaging data using a custom-built two-photon microscope. Data was collected using ScanImage 2017 software. 2. Methods for processing the data: Full description of the analysis pipeline is described in the Methods. Analyses were run on Matlab 2019a. 3. Instrument- or software-specific information needed to interpret the data: Dataset was saved as *.mat files using Matlab 2022a. 4. Data was collected, processed, and analyzed by Christa A. Baker. DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: Baker_et_al_CB_psn_responses.mat 1. Number of variables: 7 2. Variable List: meanResponses_pulse: across-trial mean GCaMP6s responses from each fly to pulse song (units: dF/F) meanResponses_sine: across-trial mean GCaMP6s responses from each fly to sine song (units: dF/F) meanResponses_noise: across-trial mean GCaMP6s responses from each fly to noise (units: dF/F) stimON: vector with 0 when no stimulus was on and 1 when each stimulus was on (10 sec prestim silence, 10 sec stimulus, 10 sec poststim silence) Fs_Hz: imaging rate, in Hz meanResponses_celltypeID: integer ID #s for each fly's responses splitGAL4_lineKey: key to map meanResponses_celltypeID to the corresponding split-GAL4 line DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: Baker_et_al_CB_ipiFreq_responses.mat 1. Number of variables: 15 2. Variable List: meanResponses_freq_100Hz: across-trial mean GCaMP6s responses from each fly to sine song at 100 Hz (units: dF/F) meanResponses_freq_200Hz: across-trial mean GCaMP6s responses from each fly to sine song at 200 Hz (units: dF/F) meanResponses_freq_300Hz: across-trial mean GCaMP6s responses from each fly to sine song at 300 Hz (units: dF/F) meanResponses_freq_500Hz: across-trial mean GCaMP6s responses from each fly to sine song at 500 Hz (units: dF/F) meanResponses_freq_800Hz: across-trial mean GCaMP6s responses from each fly to sine song at 800 Hz (units: dF/F) meanResponses_ipi_16ms: across-trial mean GCaMP6s responses from each fly to pulse song with 16 ms interpulse intervals (units: dF/F) meanResponses_ipi_36ms: across-trial mean GCaMP6s responses from each fly to pulse song with 36 ms interpulse intervals (units: dF/F) meanResponses_ipi_56ms: across-trial mean GCaMP6s responses from each fly to pulse song with 56 ms interpulse intervals (units: dF/F) meanResponses_ipi_76ms: across-trial mean GCaMP6s responses from each fly to pulse song with 76 ms interpulse intervals (units: dF/F) meanResponses_ipi_96ms: across-trial mean GCaMP6s responses from each fly to pulse song with 96 ms interpulse intervals (units: dF/F) stimON: vector with 0 when no stimulus was on and 1 when each stimulus was on (5 sec prestim silence, 4 sec stimulus, 10 sec poststim silence) Fs_Hz: imaging rate, in Hz meanResponses_ipi_celltypeID: integer ID #s for each fly's responses to the pulse train stimuli meanResponses_freq_celltypeID: integer ID #s for each fly's responses to the sine stimuli (this is not identical to meanResponses_ipi_celltypeID because a neuron could have statistically significant responses to pulse trains but not to sine stimuli (and vice versa, see Methods)) splitGAL4_lineKey: key to map meanResponses_ipi/freq_celltypeID to the corresponding split-GAL4 line