This dataset contains all the model output used to generate the figures and data reported in the article "Hurricane Sandy’s flood frequency increasing from year 1800 to 2100", by Ning Lin, Robert K. Kopp, Benjamin P. Horton, and Jeffrey P. Donnelly, published by Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences in 2016. doi/10.1073/pnas.1604386113 Questions should be addressed to the corresponding author: Ning Lin, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Princeton University. Included data files: “Battery_ncepreanal8005Battery_3AL_ro546rmEst1_surge_return_whole.csv” This file includes estimated surge return period and confidence interval based on NCEP reanalysis. There are four columns: (1). Return period (T), (2). Surge height correspond to the return period, (3) Lower 90% bond, (4) Upper 90% bond. “stormsurge_CDF_dqCorrected_ro546rmEst1.mat” This file includes bias corrected climate model projected storm surge CDF for year 2100. The file includes three variables for each of the four climate models used, including CNRM, GFDL, ECHAM, and MIROC. (CCSM, IPSL, and MPI models are not used in this study.) The three variables are (1) storm frequency, denoted by “f_model_year”; (2) surge height, denoted by “h_model_c”; and (3). CDF value of the surge height, denoted by “ph_model_year”. “Battery_SLRmm_rcp45.csv” 10, 000 MC samples of projected relative sea level time series over the 21 century, based on rcp45 emission scenario. “RSL_Bob.csv” Estimated mean and standard deviation of past relative sea level rise from 1800 to 2000. “Flood_return.csv” This file includes estimated return period of flood levels, as shown in Fig. 1. “Sandy_returnperiod.xlx” Estimated flood height with Sandy’s flood height (2.8 m), as shown in Fig. 2a. “Sandy_floodheight.xlx” Estimated flood height with Sandy’s return period (398 y), as shown in Fig. 2b.