This DATASET_readme.txt file was generated on 2024-09-11 by B. Frances Kraus GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Title of Dataset: Data for "In-Situ Relative Calibration of Bragg Crystals with Monte Carlo Line Ratio Analysis" 2. Author Information A. Principal Investigator Contact Information Name: B. Frances Kraus Institution: Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory Address: 100 Stellarator Rd, Princeton NJ 08540 Email: B. Alternate Contact Information Name: Reed Hollinger Institution: Colorado State University Address: Fort Collins, Colorado 80523 USA Email: 3. Date of data collection: June 2, 2023 4. Geographic location of data collection: ALEPH Laser Facility, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado, USA 5. Information about funding sources that supported the collection of the data: This work was supported by the DOE Office of Science, Fusion Energy Sciences under Contract No. DE-SC0021246: the LaserNetUS initiative at Colorado State University’s Ad- vanced Beam Laboratory. It was performed under the aus- pices of the Laboratory Directed Research and Development (LDRD) Program at Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, a national laboratory operated by Princeton University for the U.S. Department of Energy under Prime Contract No. DE- AC02-09CH11466, and the Department of Energy Fusion En- ergy Sciences I-STAR RISE hub. The United States Gov- ernment retains a non-exclusive, paid-up, irrevocable, world- wide license to publish or reproduce the published form of this manuscript, or allow others to do so, for United States Govern- ment purposes. JJR acknowledges support of DoD Vannevar Bush Faculty Fellowship ONR award N000142012842. RCH was supported by the DOE Office of Science Fusion Energy Sciences under Contract No. DE-SC-0022129. SHARING/ACCESS INFORMATION 1. Licenses/restrictions placed on the data: None 2. Links to publications that cite or use the data: B. F. Kraus et al., "In-Situ Relative Calibration of Bragg Crystals with Monte Carlo Line Ratio Analysis" Review of Scientific Instruments (2024) (DOI not yet published) 3. Was data derived from another source? NO DATA & FILE OVERVIEW 1. File List: datafile_Fig2a_Hea.txt datafile_Fig2b_Lya.txt datafile_Fig2c_survey.txt datafile_Fig3a_HRHea.txt datafile_Fig3b_HRLya.txt datafile_fig4a_HighRes_histogram.txt datafile_fig4b_Survey_histogram.txt datafile_fig4c_calibration_histogram.txt datafile_Fig4d_lineRatioVsTe.txt datafile_Fig4d_datapoint.txt 2. Relationship between files, if important: Files describe the Figures 2, 3, and 4, and associated subplots, as contained within the paper. Figs. 3(c) and (d) are producible with the same data from Fig. 2(c) (datafile_Fig2c_survey.txt) Inset to Fig. 4(d) can be produced with data from Figs. 3(a) and 3(b) 3. Are there multiple versions of the dataset? No METHODOLOGICAL INFORMATION 1. Description of methods used for collection/generation of data: X-ray spectrometers as developed in this 2023 LaserNetUS campaign and in the thesis of B. Frances Kraus 2. Methods for processing the data: Data was processed with python codes produced by the principal author. 3. People involved with sample collection, processing, analysis and/or submission: All people involved in the production and analysis of the data are listed as co-authors in this data submission. DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: datafile_Fig2a_Hea.txt 1. Number of variables: 4 2. Variable List: Energy [eV] Low intensity error bar [10^4 counts/eV] Median Intensity [10^4 counts/eV] High intensity error bar [10^4 counts/eV] DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: datafile_Fig2b_Lya.txt 1. Number of variables: 4 2. Variable List: Energy [eV] Low intensity error bar [10^4 counts/eV] Median Intensity [10^4 counts/eV] High intensity error bar [10^4 counts/eV] DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: datafile_Fig2c_survey.txt 1. Number of variables: 2 2. Variable List: Energy [eV] Intensity [PSL/eV] DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: datafile_Fig3a_HRHea.txt 1. Number of variables: 42 2. Variable List: Energy [eV] Intensity [PSL/eV] x 41 columns for each shot DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: datafile_Fig3b_HRLya.txt 1. Number of variables: 42 2. Variable List: Energy [eV] Intensity [PSL/eV] x 41 columns for each shot DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: datafile_fig4a_HighRes_histogram.txt 1. Number of variables: 2 2. Variable List: Line Ratio \Sigma_L/\Sigma_H on high-res spectrometer Percentage of trials [%] DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: datafile_fig4b_Survey_histogram.txt 1. Number of variables: 2 2. Variable List: Line Ratio \Sigma_L/\Sigma_H on survey spectrometer Percentage of trials [%] DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: datafile_Fig4d_lineRatioVsTe.txt 1. Number of variables: 2 2. Variable List: Electron temperature Te [eV] Line ratio DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: datafile_Fig4d_datapoint.txt 1. Number of variables: 6 2. Variable List: Median fit electron temperature Te [eV] Te Error bar on low end [eV] Te Error bar on high end [eV] Median measured line ratio [unitless] Line ratio low errorbar Line ratio high errorbar