Figures/Images on N. Bertelli, S. Shiraiwa, and M. Ono Nucl. Fusion 62 (2022) 126046. - Figure 1 (left): Image of NSTX-U vessel. File: Fig1a.png - Figure 1 (right): Image of CAD drawing of the HHFW antenna on NSTX-U. File: Fig1b.png - Figure 2 (left & right): Images of 3D NSTX-U full device geometry generated in Petra-M starting from the NSTX-U CAD files. File: Fig2.png - Figure 3 (left): HHFW geometry generated in Petra-M starting from the HHFW CAD file. File: Fig3a.png - Figure 3 (right): Zoomed detail of the mesh of HHFW antenna generated in Petra-M File: Fig3b.png - Figure 4: 2D HHFW simulations obtained from Petra-M. Data of all these figures are included in the following file which is self-explanatory. File: Fig4.hdf - Figures 5, 7, and 8 (left): Ez component of the wave electric field evaluated by Petra-M for the full 3D NSTX-U torus and 30 degree antenna phasing. Figure 7 shows a zoomed view of Figure 5. Figure 8 (left) shows the toroidal cross-section (on the midplane) only from Figure 7. Data of these three figures are included in the following file which is self-explanatory. File: Fig5_7_8a.hdf - Figure 8 (right): Toroidal cross-section (on the midplane) of the Ez component of the wave electric field for 150 degree antenna phasing. Data is included in the following file which is self-explanatory. File: Fig4.hdf - Figure 9 (left): Electric field amplitude on the wall surface for 30 degrees. Data is included in the following file which is self-explanatory. File: Fig9a.hdf - Figure 9 (right): Electric field amplitude on the wall surface for 150 degrees. Data is included in the following file which is self-explanatory. File: Fig9b.hdf - Figure 10 (left): Toroidal wave number (power) spectrum for 30 degrees. Data is included in the following file which is self-explanatory (spectrum and the contour of the FW cut-off). File: Fig10a.hdf - Figure 10 (right): Toroidal wave number (power) spectrum for 150 degrees. Data is included in the following file which is self-explanatory (spectrum and the contour of the FW cut-off). File: Fig10b.hdf - Figure 11 (left): Toroidal wave number (power) spectrum for 30 degrees at the antenna location. Data is included in the following file which is self-explanatory. File: Fig11a.hdf - Figure 11 (right): Toroidal wave number (power) spectrum for 150 degrees at the antenna location. Data is included in the following file which is self-explanatory. File: Fig11b.hdf - Figures 12(a), 13(a): Figure 12(a) shows Ez component of the wave electric field on the toroidal cross-section for B = 0.6 T, 90 degrees antenna phasing, and core e (edge) density is 5 × 10^{19} m−3 (5 × 10^{18} m^{−3}). Figure 13(a) shows both poloidal and toroidal cross-sections. Data of these two figures are included in the following file which is self-explanatory. File: Fig12_13_a.hdf - Figures 12(b), 13(b): Figure 12(b) shows Ez component of the wave electric field on the toroidal cross-section for B = 0.75 T, 90 degrees antenna phasing, and core e (edge) density is 5 × 10^{19} m−3 (5 × 10^{18} m^{−3}). Figure 13(b) shows both poloidal and toroidal cross-sections. Data of these two figures are included in the following file which is self-explanatory. File: Fig12_13_b.hdf - Figures 12(c), 13(c), 14(c), and 15(c): Figure 12(c) shows Ez component of the wave electric field on the toroidal cross-section for B = 1.0 T, 90 degrees antenna phasing, and core e (edge) density is 5 × 10^{19} m−3 (5 × 10^{18} m^{−3}). shows both poloidal and toroidal cross-sections. Figure 13(c) shows both poloidal and toroidal cross-sections. Finally, Figure 12(c) = Figure 14(c). Figure 13(c) = Figure 15(c) Data of these four figures are included in the following file which is self-explanatory. File: Fig12_13_14_15_c.hdf - Figures 14(a), 15(a): Figure 14(a) shows Ez component of the wave electric field on the toroidal cross-section for B = 1.0 T, 90 degrees antenna phasing, and core e (edge) density is 5 × 10^{19} m−3 (1 × 10^{18} m^{−3}). Figure 15(a) shows both poloidal and toroidal cross-sections. Data of these two figures are included in the following file which is self-explanatory. File: Fig14_15_a.hdf - Figures 14(b), 15(b): Figure 14(b) shows Ez component of the wave electric field on the toroidal cross-section for B = 1.0 T, 90 degrees antenna phasing, and core e (edge) density is 5 × 10^{19} m−3 (2 × 10^{18} m^{−3}). Figure 15(b) shows both poloidal and toroidal cross-sections. Data of these two figures are included in the following file which is self-explanatory. File: Fig14_15_b.hdf - Figure 16 (left): Absolute value of the S-matrix (24 × 24) elements for a plasma case. Data is included in the following file which is self-explanatory. File: Fig16a.hdf - Figure 16 (right): Absolute value of the S-matrix (24 × 24) elements for a vacuum case. Data is included in the following file which is self-explanatory. File: Fig16b.hdf