This DATASET_MMM_README.txt file was generated on 2021-02-12 by Mikhail Kislin GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Title of Dataset: Deep Behavioral Phenotyping Of Mouse Autism Models using Open-Field Behavior 2. Author Information A. Principal Investigator Contact Information Name: Ugne Klibaite Institution: Department of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology, Harvard University Address: 26 Oxford St, Cambridge, MA 02138 Email: B. Associate or Co-investigator Contact Information Name: Mikhail Kislin Institution: Princeton Neuroscience Institute, Princeton University Address: Washington rd, Princeton, NJ 08540 Email: C. Principal Investigator Contact Information Name: Joshua W. Shaevitz Institution: Department of PhysicsLewis-Sigler Institute for Integrative Genomics, Princeton University Address: Washington rd, Princeton, NJ 08540 Email: D. Principal Investigator Contact Information Name: Samuel S.-H. Wang Institution: Princeton Neuroscience Institute, Princeton University Address: Washington rd, Princeton, NJ 08540 Email: 3. Date of data collection: from 2018-07-01 till 2019-11-29 4. Geographic location of data collection: Princeton, NJ, USA 5. Information about funding sources that supported the collection of the data: NIH R01NS045193, R01 MH115750, U19 NS104648 SHARING/ACCESS INFORMATION 1. Links to publications that cite or use the data: 2. Was data derived from another source? no A. If yes, list source(s): 3. Recommended citation for this dataset: Klibaite, Ugne; Kislin, Mikhail; Verpeut, Jessica L. ; Sun, Xiaoting ; Shaevitz, Joshua W. ; Wang, Samuel S.-H. (2021), “Deep Behavioral Phenotyping Of Mouse Autism Models using Open-Field Behavior", DATA & FILE OVERVIEW 1. File List: sampleOFTmovieC57bl6.avi Example of Open-Field session for male C57BL/6 mouse allC100_CON.mat behavior clusters over time allC100_8C_CON.mat behavior classes over time jointsCON.mat The primary experimental data consist of body parts dynamics information from 60 male and 20 female C57BL/6, as well as from ASD models: 14 Cntnap2 WT, 15 Cntnap2 HET, 10 Cntnap2 KO, 17 L7-Tsc1 WT, 17 L7-Tsc1 HET and 9 L7-Tsc1 HOM mutant mice. centroids_velocities_CON.mat The primary experimental data consist of body centroid dynamics information from 60 male and 20 female C57BL/6, as well as from ASD models: 14 Cntnap2 WT, 15 Cntnap2 HET, 10 Cntnap2 KO, 17 L7-Tsc1 WT, 17 L7-Tsc1 HET and 9 L7-Tsc1 HOM mutant mice. GROOM_IDX.mat metadata for grooming sorting and analysis mouseSkeletonSimple_400.mat mouse skeleton used with LEAP statsBy100.mat metadata for stats info_8con_8b.mat metadata to sort unsupervised behavior clusters into semi-supervised behavior classes vecsVals_subSelect.mat contains results of dimensionality reduction of body-part to body-part distances with online-PCA trainingSet_new10.mat file has a subsampled results of wavelets from full dataset and is used for tSNE and high-dimensional clustering with k-Means to learn representation of the mouse behavior space OFTboxinstrustions.docx partlistforOFT.xlsx 2. Are there multiple versions of the dataset? no METHODOLOGICAL INFORMATION 1. Description of methods used for collection/generation of data: For recording in darkness we use IR illumination and sound proof arena, see part list and instructions. The following acquisition program was used to record mouse behavior in Open-Field with ptgrey cameras 2. Methods for processing the data: see 3. Instrument- or software-specific information needed to interpret the data: see 4. Environmental/experimental conditions: See Materials and Methods section of the paper 5. Describe any quality-assurance procedures performed on the data: 6. People involved with sample collection, processing, analysis and/or submission: Klibaite, Ugne; Kislin, Mikhail; Verpeut, Jessica L. ; Sun, Xiaoting ;