TITLE Fracture aperture maps used to study reactive transport, channelization, and permeability evolution in carbonate rocks. Keywords Fracture Transmissivity Channelization Reactive transport Carbonate Calcite Carbon sequestration Fractured cores of Indiana Limestone were scanned with x-ray computed tomography (xCT) and the fracture geometry was analyzed as described in Deng et al. (2016). These fractured cores were used in experiments with CO2-acidified fluids and the evolution of fracture geometry and permeability were measured, as described in Deng et al. (2015). The 3D reconstructed images were used to generate aperature maps and statistical representations, which were used as the initial conditions for reactive transport models in Deng and Peters (WRR, submitted Dec 2017). The reactive transport simulations studied the effects of mineral heterogeneity using calcite mineral maps presented in Ellis and Peters (2016). The four files included in this digital repository are the original aperture maps and the downsampled aperture maps for the two experimental conditions, as described in Deng and Peters (WRR submitted Dec 2017). HighPCO2_orig.txt original aperture map 780*1830, dx=dy=30um, column 1 - inlet HighPCO2_ds.txt downsampled 78*183, dx=dy=300um, colume 1 - inlet lowPCO2_orig.txt original aperture map 850*1800, dx=dy=28um, column 1 - inlet lowPCO2_ds.txt downsampled 85*180, dx=dy=280um, colume 1 - inlet - Deng, H.; Peters, C.A. “Reactive Transport Simulations of Channelization and Transmissivity Evolution in Fractures: The Role of Fluid Chemistry and Mineral Spatial Pattern” Water Resources Research. Submitted. 2017. - B.R. Ellis and C. A. Peters (2016) “3D mapping of calcite and a demonstration of its relevance to permeability evolution in reactive fractures”, Advances in Water Resources. 95: 246-253. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.advwatres.2015.07.023.(http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0309170815001724) - Deng, H.; Fitts, J.P.; Peters, C.A. (2016) “Quantifying Fracture Geometry with X-ray Tomography: Technique of Iterative Local Thresholding (TILT) for 3D Image Segmentation”, Computational Geosciences. 20:231–244. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10596-016-9560-9 - Deng, H.; Fitts, J.P.; Crandall, D.; McIntyre, D.; Peters, C.A. (2015) “Alterations of fractures in carbonate rocks by CO2-acidified brines” Environmental Science & Technology. Vol. 49, Issue 16, pp. 10226-10234. DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.5b01980