Step4/README.txt Data for "The value of fusion energy to a decarbonized United States electric grid" These directories contain selected output data of the runs listed in Step3. This includes certain semi-complete 'cases', found in subdirectories such as MedOpp/ case_0 case_1 case_10001 ... and also files called scenario_data.pkl MedOpp/ scenario_data.pkl . The case directories contain (for the most part) only the data most relevant to making the analyses and plots. Full GenX outputs for these cases is about 500MB in size, so they are not provided, thus 'semi-complete'. The scenario_data.pkl files are Python3 pickle files. They can be opened with > python3 > import pickle > data = pickle.load(open('scenario_data.pkl', 'rb')) data is a two-level nested dictionary of what should be *all* the runs listed in the `replacements.csv` file of each scenario. The top level keys are ['Duals', 'Peak core cap', 'Generation', 'Generation ratio', 'Duration', 'Storage capacity', 'Total cost'], and within data[key] is a dictionary of case numbers and values. 'Duals' are the core value in $/MWyr 'Peak core cap' is the peak thermal core capacity in MW. 'Generation' is the gross generator capacity in MW. 'Generation ratio' is the ratio of peak core capacity to gross generation capacity. 'Duration' is the thermal storage capacity as measured in hours of the core's peak output. 'Storage capacity' is the total fusion thermal storage in MWh. 'Total cost' is the objective function of GenX: the total cost of the electrical system in $/yr.