Data for "The value of fusion energy to a decarbonized United States electric grid" Jacob A. Schwartz : - best contact for questions Wilson Ricks : - best contact for questions on input data provenance and Steps 1-3. Principal Investigators: E. Kolemen : Jesse Jenkins: This study was carried out from approx March 2022 through Sept 2022. Submitted: Sept 2022. Revisions submitted: Dec 2022. Paper accepted: Jan 2023 This work was supported by the U.S. Department of Energy under contract number DE-AC02-09CH11466. The United States Government retains a non- exclusive, paid-up, irrevocable, world-wide license to publish or reproduce the published form of this manuscript, or allow others to do so, for United States Government purposes. W. Ricks received support for this work from the Princeton Zero-Carbon Technology Consortium, which is supported by unrestricted gifts from General Electric, Google, and ClearPath. Software Used ------------- This work employed two main pieces of software: PowerGenome (PG), to obtain and format electricity system data. Primarily, Powergenome 0.5.3, GenX, capacity expansion and optimization code. We used a branch of GenX 0.2.0, modified to model fusion reactors. GenX is available at The particular branch used is available at and is commit 067c1fba3123e2961b8a42505b9a9300d0a03313. GenX was run on Princeton's `della` cluster using Julia 1.6.1. Gurobi 9.1.2 was used as the optimizer for GenX. Additionally, python 3, especially jupyter notebooks, is used for data analysis. Most of the analysis is limited to summing, reformating, and plotting various outputs of GenX; there's no detailed statistics. Description of data -------------------- Step1 : * Inputs to Powergenome and its outputs, which are inputs to GenX for both time periods Step2 : * The GenX inputs to 2020-2035 scenarios (These are essentially the same as the outputs of Step1) * Selected outputs from running GenX on these cases. These, along with the outputs of PowerGenome, form the inputs to the 2036--2050 cases. Step3 : 2036--2050 case inputs * Actual GenX case inputs are generated via a script `caserunner.jl` which is included here. Step4 : Outputs of 2036--2050 cases for each scenario. * Includes selected outputs which are used in the analysis. Step5 : analysis scripts and related files * These are python 3 jupyter notebooks which output data into the Step6 folder. Step6 : analysis products * pdfs and csv (or other text format) files of figures in the main paper and supplementary material. Steps 1 and 2 were performed by W. Ricks. The preparation of the base case input files in Step3 was performed by W. Ricks. The workflow, scripts, and selection of individual cases to run in Step3 was done by J. Schwartz. Steps 4-6 were done by J. Schwartz. Citation for this data ---------------------- Schwartz, J. A., Ricks, W., Kolemen, E., Jenkins, J.D., Data for "The value of fusion energy to a decarbonized United States electric grid", Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, Princeton University DataSpace, ARK #