Data for the paper: Reductions in Retrieval Competition Predict the Benefit of Repeated Testing Nicole S. Rafidi, Justin C. Hulbert, Paula Pacheco, and Kenneth A. Norman Collection Details: These data correspond to three sessions, 2 EEG (Session 1 and Session 2) and 1 behavioral (Session 3). For some subjects, data for each EEG session were collected on separate days. For other subjects, both EEG sessions were collected together. A Biosemi ActiveTwo EEG Data collection system was used, in a shielded room featuring an RF/EMI Faraday cage built by Universal Shielding Company. The acquisition software was ActiView 7.07 on a 64-bit Windows workstation. A 64-channel configuration and a sampling rate of 512 Hz was used, along with 6 flathead electrodes (2 to record eye blinks, 2 for bilateral eye movement, and 2 on each mastoid for referencing). EEGLAB Version 13.4.4b was used for visual inspection and separation of data into the two experiments (when necessary). Contents: raw: directory containing raw data from the ActiView acquisition software. Files have three possible names: - CompEEG_{subject_id}.bdf: data for the subject with subject_id for Session 1 - CompEEG__KR_{subject_id}.bdf: data for subject_id for Session 2 - {subject_id}.bdf: data for both sessions in a single file inspected: directory containing raw data in EEGLAB native format, pre and post visual inspection for artifact removal. Data recorded in a single session was split using EEGLAB here. There are four possible filenames: - CompEEG_{subject_id}.{set, fdt}: raw Session 1 data - CompEEG_{subject_id}_Vis.{set, fdt}: Session 1 data after visual inspection for artifacts - CompEEG__KR_{subject_id}.{set, fdt}: raw Session 2 data - CompEEG__KR_{subject_id}_Vis.{set, fdt}: Session 2 data after visual inspection for artifacts behavioral: directory containing behavioral data from Sessions 2 and 3. Contains two types of file: - {subject_id}_KR_{block_number}_2_events.txt: responses recorded during Session 2 - {subject_id}_answer.mat: responses recorded during Session 3 stimuli: directory containing stimuli files needed for experiment: - C_Pres.txt: Presentation stimuli for Session 1, part 1 - C_RetC.txt: Retrieval stimuli for Session 1, part 2 - C_RetN.txt: Retrieval stimuli for Session 1, part 2 - KR_study_ordered.txt: Presentation stimuli for Session 2, study rounds - KR_test.txt: Stimuli for Session 2, retrieval rounds - KR_answer.txt: Answers for Session 2 retrieval rounds