This Auditory_Responses_readme.txt file was generated on 2020-10-19 by Diego A. Pacheco Pinedo GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Title of Dataset: Dataset for 'Auditory Activity is Diverse and Widespread Throughout the Central Brain of Drosophila' 2. Author Information A. Principal Investigator Contact Information Name: Mala Murthy Institution: Princeton University Email: B. Associate or Co-investigator Contact Information Name: Diego A Pacheco Pinedo Institution: Princeton University Email: 3. Date of data collection: from 2015-03-08 to 2020-10-01 4. Geographic location of data collection: Princeton, New Jersey, US. SHARING/ACCESS INFORMATION 1. Licenses/restrictions placed on the data: none. 2. Recommended citation for this dataset: Pacheco, D.A., Thiberge, S.Y., Pnevmatikakis, E., and Murthy, M. (2020). Dataset for 'Auditory Activity is Diverse and Widespread Throughout the Central Brain of Drosophila.' Distributed by DataSpace, Princeton University. 3. Corresponding paper: Pacheco, D.A., Thiberge, S.Y., Pnevmatikakis, E., and Murthy, M. (2019). Auditory Activity is Diverse and Widespread Throughout the Central Brain of Drosophila. bioRxiv 10.1101/709519. DATA & FILE OVERVIEW 1. File List: README.txt median_auditory_responses_wildtype.mat and median_auditory_responses_wildtype.h5: this a dataset (across-trial median auditory responses) from 33 wild type animals, stimuli delivered: pulse, sine and white noise. median_auditory_responses_wildtype_plus_naturalsong.mat and median_auditory_responses_wildtype_plus_naturalsong.h5: this is a dataset (across-trial median auditory responses) from 5 wild type animals, stimuli delivered: pulse, sine, white noise, and natural song. median_auditory_responses_wildtype_plus_pfast.mat and median_auditory_responses_wildtype_plus_pfast.h5: this is a dataset (across-trial median auditory responses) from 2 wild type animals, stimuli delivered: pulse, sine, white noise, and P-fast. amedian_auditory_responses_iav.mat and amedian_auditory_responses_iav.h5: this is a dataset (across-trial median auditory responses) from 4 animals carrying the iav mutation, stimuli delivered: pulse, sine and white noise. uditory_responses_wildtype_per_trial.mat and uditory_responses_wildtype_per_trial.h5: same data set as in "median_auditory_responses_wildtype" but here we include the auditory responses to each trial per ROI. METHODOLOGICAL INFORMATION 1. Description of methods used for collection/generation of data: We collected this functional imaging data using a custom-built two-photon microcope. Data was collected using ScanImage 2017 software and custom-written code run on Matlab 2018a ( 2. Methods for processing the data: Full description of the analysis pipeline is described in the Methods and is available at the Analyses were run on Matlab 2018a. 3. Instrument- or software-specific information needed to interpret the data: Dataset was saved as *.mat and *.h5 files using Matlab 2018a. 7. Data was collected, processed, and analysed by Diego A. Pacheco Pinedo DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: median_auditory_responses_wildtype(.mat)(.h5) 1. Number of variables: 11 2. Variable List: dataset.median_z_scored_signal_per_roi: median z-scored DFoF responses (units: standard deviation). dataset.median_dfof_signal_per_roi: median DFoF responses (units: DFoF, ratio from baseline). dataset.timestamps: a vector with the time stamps (units: seconds). dataset.stimuli_index_vector: a vector of the stimulus delivered, values other than zeros represent the presentation of the stimuli in "stimuli_name_string" (same order). dataset.stimuli_name_string: a cell of strings with the full name of each stimulus used. dataset.response_type_label_per_roi: response type labels for each ROI. dataset.neuropil_index_per_roi: index of the neuropil to which ROIs belong to (list of full neuropil names are in "neuropil_full_names"). dataset.neuropil_full_names: a cell of strings with of full neuropil names. dataset.fly_index_per_roi: index of animal/fly for each ROI. dataset.sex_index_per_roi: index of sex for each ROI. dataset.sex_full_name_string: a cell of strings with the full name of each sex. DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: median_auditory_responses_wildtype_plus_naturalsong(.mat)(.h5) 1. Number of variables: 11 2. Variable List: dataset.median_z_scored_signal_per_roi: median z-scored DFoF responses (units: standard deviation). dataset.median_dfof_signal_per_roi: median DFoF responses (units: DFoF, ratio from baseline). dataset.timestamps: a vector with the time stamps (units: seconds). dataset.stimuli_index_vector: a vector of the stimulus delivered, values other than zeros represent the presentation of the stimuli in "stimuli_name_string" (same order). dataset.stimuli_name_string: a cell of strings with the full name of each stimulus used. dataset.response_type_label_per_roi: response type labels for each ROI. dataset.neuropil_index_per_roi: index of the neuropil to which ROIs belong to (list of full neuropil names are in "neuropil_full_names"). dataset.neuropil_full_names: a cell of strings with of full neuropil names. dataset.fly_index_per_roi: index of animal/fly for each ROI. dataset.sex_index_per_roi: index of sex for each ROI. dataset.sex_full_name_string: a cell of strings with the full name of each sex. DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: median_auditory_responses_wildtype_plus_pfast(.mat)(.h5) 1. Number of variables: 11 2. Variable List: dataset.median_z_scored_signal_per_roi: median z-scored DFoF responses (units: standard deviation). dataset.median_dfof_signal_per_roi: median DFoF responses (units: DFoF, ratio from baseline). dataset.timestamps: a vector with the time stamps (units: seconds). dataset.stimuli_index_vector: a vector of the stimulus delivered, values other than zeros represent the presentation of the stimuli in "stimuli_name_string" (same order). dataset.stimuli_name_string: a cell of strings with the full name of each stimulus used. dataset.response_type_label_per_roi: response type labels for each ROI. dataset.neuropil_index_per_roi: index of the neuropil to which ROIs belong to (list of full neuropil names are in "neuropil_full_names"). dataset.neuropil_full_names: a cell of strings with of full neuropil names. dataset.fly_index_per_roi: index of animal/fly for each ROI. dataset.sex_index_per_roi: index of sex for each ROI. dataset.sex_full_name_string: a cell of strings with the full name of each sex. DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: median_auditory_responses_iav(.mat)(.h5) 1. Number of variables: 11 2. Variable List: dataset.median_z_scored_signal_per_roi: median z-scored DFoF responses (units: standard deviation). dataset.median_dfof_signal_per_roi: median DFoF responses (units: DFoF, ratio from baseline). dataset.timestamps: a vector with the time stamps (units: seconds). dataset.stimuli_index_vector: a vector of the stimulus delivered, values other than zeros represent the presentation of the stimuli in "stimuli_name_string" (same order). dataset.stimuli_name_string: a cell of strings with the full name of each stimulus used. dataset.response_type_label_per_roi: response type labels for each ROI. dataset.neuropil_index_per_roi: index of the neuropil to which ROIs belong to (list of full neuropil names are in "neuropil_full_names"). dataset.neuropil_full_names: a cell of strings with of full neuropil names. dataset.fly_index_per_roi: index of animal/fly for each ROI. dataset.sex_index_per_roi: index of sex for each ROI. dataset.sex_full_name_string: a cell of strings with the full name of each sex. DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: auditory_responses_wildtype_per_trial(.mat)(.h5) 1. Number of variables: 11 2. Variable List: dataset.z_scored_signal_per_roi_per_trial: a 3D matrix where row, column and plane represent: ROI, timepoint, and trials (units: standard deviation). dataset.median_z_scored_signal_per_roi: median z-scored DFoF responses (units: standard deviation). dataset.median_dfof_signal_per_roi: median DFoF responses (units: DFoF, ratio from baseline). dataset.timestamps: a vector with the time stamps (units: seconds). dataset.stimuli_index_vector: a vector of the stimulus delivered, values other than zeros represent the presentation of the stimuli in "stimuli_name_string" (same order). dataset.stimuli_name_string: a cell of strings with the full name of each stimulus used. dataset.response_type_label_per_roi: response type labels for each ROI. dataset.neuropil_index_per_roi: index of the neuropil to which ROIs belong to (list of full neuropil names are in "neuropil_full_names"). dataset.neuropil_full_names: a cell of strings with of full neuropil names. dataset.fly_index_per_roi: index of animal/fly for each ROI. dataset.sex_index_per_roi: index of sex for each ROI. dataset.sex_full_name_string: a cell of strings with the full name of each sex.