This readme.txt file was created on 2024-04-23 by Veronika Zamkovska GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Title of Dataset: Data for paper: DECAF Cross-device characterization of tokamak disruptions indicated by abnormalities in plasma vertical position and current Paper accepted for publication in Nuclear Fusion 2. Author Information A. Principal Investigator Contact Information Name: Veronika Zamkovska Institution: Columbia University Address: Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, 100 Stellarator Road, Princeton, NJ, 08543-0451, USA Email: B. Associates or Co-investigators Contact Information Name: Steven Sabbagh Institution: Columbia University Address: Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, 100 Stellarator Road, Princeton, NJ, 08543-0451, USA Email: Name: M. Tobin Institution: Columbia University Address: Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, 100 Stellarator Road, Princeton, NJ, 08543-0451, USA Email: Name: J.W. Berkery Institution: Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory Address: Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, 100 Stellarator Road, Princeton, NJ, 08543-0451, USA Email: Name: J.D. Riquezes Institution: Columbia University Address: Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, 100 Stellarator Road, Princeton, NJ, 08543-0451, USA Email: Name: Y.S. Park Institution: Korea Institute of Fusion Energy Address: 169-148 Gwahak-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, 34133, Republic of Korea Email: Name: K. Erickson Institution: Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory Address: Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, 100 Stellarator Road, Princeton, NJ, 08543-0451, USA Email: Name: J. Butt Institution: Princeton University Address: Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Princeton, NJ~08544, USA Email: Name: J.G. Bak Institution: Korea Institute of Fusion Energy Address: 169-148 Gwahak-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, 34133, Republic of Korea Email: Name: J. Kim Institution: Korea Institute ofFusion Energy Address: 169-148 Gwahak-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, 34133, Republic of Korea Email: Name: K.D. Lee Institution: Korea Institute ofFusion Energy Address: 169-148 Gwahak-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, 34133, Republic of Korea Email: Name: J. Ko Institution: Korea Institute ofFusion Energy Address: 169-148 Gwahak-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, 34133, Republic of Korea Email: Name: S.W. Yoon Institution: Korea Institute ofFusion Energy Address: 169-148 Gwahak-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, 34133, Republic of Korea Email: Name: C.J. Ham Institution: United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority Address: Culham Science Centre, Abingdon OX14 3DB, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom Email: Name: L. Kogan Institution: United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority Address: Culham Science Centre, Abingdon OX14 3DB, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom Email: 3. Date of data collection (range): August 2023 -> October 2023 4. Geographic location of data collection : Data collected via remote connection to a dataserver, data severs located at: Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, 100 Stellarator Road, Princeton, NJ, 08543-0451, USA UKAEA, Culham Science Centre, Abindgdon, Oxfordshire, OX14 3DB, UK Korea Institute of Fusion Energy, 169-148 Gwahak-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, South Korea 5. Information about funding sources that supported the collection of the data: This work has been supported by US DOE grants DE SC0020415, DE SC0021311, DE SC0018623, DE AC02 09CH11466 and (part~--) funded by the EPSRC Energy Programme (grant number EP/W006839/1). This work was also supported by the R\&D Program of “KSTAR Experimental Collaboration and Fusion Plasma Research” (EN2301-14) through the Korea Institute of Fusion Energy (KFE) funded by Korea Ministry of Science and ICT (MSIT). This work has been carried out within the framework of the EUROfusion Consortium, funded by the European Union via the Euratom Research and Training Programme (Grant Agreement No 101052200--EUROfusion). SHARING/ACCESS INFORMATION 1. Licenses/restrictions placed on the data: Signed NDAs needed to access the data at the data server License associated with the data shared at PDC: Creative Commons - Attribution 2. Links to publications that cite or use the data: Paper: DECAF Cross-device characterization of tokamak disruptions indicated by abnormalities in plasma vertical position and current 3. Links to other publicly accessible locations of the data: None 4. Links/relationships to ancillary data sets: None 5. Was data derived from another source? No DATA & FILE OVERVIEW 1. File List: Folder '' contains the following files: -> betaN_li_MAST-U_2021_2022.csv -> categorization.txt -> CQSstats.txt -> figures_comments.pdf -> figureScatter_DCE_KSTAR_2022.csv -> figureScatter_DCE_MAST-U_2021.csv -> figureScatter_li_elon_KSTAR_2022.csv -> figureScatter_li_elon_MAST-U_2022.csv -> figureScatter_li_elon_NSTX-U_2016.csv -> figureScatter_li_q95_all.csv -> histoPlasmaDurMAST-U_2022.csv -> MAST-U_Rmag_VDE.csv -> MAST-U-2021_operSpace.csv -> triggerEvents.txt -> USD_KSTAR.csv 2. Relationship between files, if important: figures_comments.docx contains figures included in the published paper, csv and txt files contain datapoints displayed in the figures. 3. Additional related data collected that was not included in the current data package: No 4. Are there multiple versions of the dataset? No METHODOLOGICAL INFORMATION 1. Description of methods used for collection/generation of data: Remote ssh connection to dataserver. 2. Methods for processing the data: Data processed by the DECAF code and by the main author (usual data processing using statistical analysis, plot production via matplotlib etc.). 3. Instrument- or software-specific information needed to interpret the data: Data are included in text file, in tabulated format. Plots can be produced using software such as Microsoft Excel, matplotlib, Matlab etc. 4. Standards and calibration information, if appropriate: None 5. Environmental/experimental conditions: None 6. Describe any quality-assurance procedures performed on the data: None 7. People involved with sample collection, processing, analysis and/or submission: Data collection, processing, analysis and submission was performed primarily by the main author (V. Zamkovska). The list of co-authors that contributed at any of the action is listed in Section GENERAL INFORMATION of this document. DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: figures_comments.docx Document containing figures shown in the paper. DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: categorization.txt Comment: Results of the DECAF shot categorization for all device-year shot pairs (Figure 1) 1. Number of columns: 6 2. Number of cases/rows: 8 3. Variable List: Columns: Device,Plasma shot (%),No Ip/Bt data (%),No toroidal field (%),Vacuum shot (%),Failed Ip breakdown (%) 4. Missing data codes: 5. Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: CQSstats.txt Comment: Results of the DECAF disruptive plasma shot recognition for all device-year shot pairs (Figure 3a) 1. Number of columns: 6 2. Number of cases/rows: 8 3. Variable List: Columns: Device,no CQS (%),with CQS (%),USD prior CQS (%),CQS in FT (%),CQS out FT (%) 4. Missing data codes: 5. Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: CQS: Current Quench Start USD: Uncontrolled plasma Shut Down FT: Plasma current flat-top DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: USD_KSTAR.csv Comment: Amplitude of the plasma current Ip at the time of USD, all KSTAR-year pairs (Figure 3b) 1. Number of columns: 4 2. Number of cases/rows: 2215 3. Variable List: Columns: KSTAR 2019, KSTAR 2020, KSTAR 2021, KSTAR 2022 4. Missing data codes: 5. Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: Ip,exp: Plasma current (MA) USD: Uncontrolled plasma Shut Down DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: betaN_li_MAST-U_2021_2022.csv Comment: betaN vs. li diagram, mean values of quantities during plasma current flat-top, MAST-U 2021 and 2022 (Figure 3c) 1. Number of columns: 6 2. Number of cases/rows: 2202 3. Variable List: Columns: Shot (MAST-U 2021), mean(li) in FT (MAST-U 2021), mean(betaN) in FT (MAST-U 2021), Shot (MAST-U 2022), mean(li) in FT (MAST-U 2022), mean(betaN) in FT (MAST-U 2022) 4. Missing data codes: 5. Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: li: Plasma internal inductance betaN: Normalized plasma beta FT: Plasma current flat-top DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: triggerEvents.txt Comment: Piechart containig % of trigger events of disruptive chains as recognized by DECAF, all device-year pairs (Figure 4) 1. Number of columns: 6 2. Number of cases/rows: 8 3. Variable List: Columns: Device,IPR (%),CQS (%),USD (%),DCS (%),VDE (%) 4. Missing data codes: 5. Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: DCS: Disruptive Current Spike VDE: Vertical Displacement Event IPR: Experimental plasma current not meeting target CQS: Current Quench Start USD: Uncontrolled plasma Shut Down DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: MAST-U-2021_operSpace.csv Comment: MAST-U 2021 operation space plots (li vs. q95, kappa vs. li and li/q95 vs. kappa) calculated at times of trigger events (Figure 5, upper plots) 1. Number of columns: 15 2. Number of cases/rows: 384 3. Variable List: Columns: VDE_Shot,VDE_li,VDE_elon,VDE_q95,VDE_liq95,IPR_Shot,IPR_li,IPR_elon,IPR_q95,IPR_liq95,DCS_Shot,DCS_li,DCS_elon,DCS_q95,DCS_liq95 4. Missing data codes: 5. Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: DCS: Disruptive Current Spike VDE: Vertical Displacement Event IPR: Experimental plasma current not meeting target li: Plasma internal inductance q95: Safety factor at 95% poloidal flux elon (kappa): Plasma elongation DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: figureScatter_li_elon_MAST-U_2022.csv Comment: MAST-U 2022 operation space plot kappa vs. li calculated at times of trigger events (Figure 5, lower left) 1. Number of columns: 9 2. Number of cases/rows: 165 3. Variable List: Columns: VDE_Shot,VDE_li,VDE_elon,IPR_Shot,IPR_li,IPR_elon,DCS_Shot,DCS_li,DCS_elon 4. Missing data codes: 5. Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: DCS: Disruptive Current Spike VDE: Vertical Displacement Event IPR: Experimental plasma current not meeting target li: Plasma internal inductance elon (kappa): Plasma elongation DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: MAST-U_Rmag_VDE.csv Comment: Histograms of Rmag calculated at time of VDE trigger event, MAST-U 2021 and 2022 (Figure 5, lower right) 1. Number of columns: 4 2. Number of cases/rows: 403 3. Variable List: Columns: Shot (MAST-U 2021),VDE_R_mag (m) (MAST-U 2021),Shot (MAST-U 2022),VDE_R_mag (m) (MAST-U 2022) 4. Missing data codes: 5. Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: Rmag: Radial position of plasma magnetic axis VDE: Vertical Displacement Event DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: figureScatter_li_elon_KSTAR_2022.csv Comment: KSTAR 2022 operation space plot kappa vs. li calculated at times of trigger events (Figure 6a) 1. Number of columns: 9 2. Number of cases/rows: 265 3. Variable List: Columns: VDE_Shot,VDE_li,VDE_elon,IPR_Shot,IPR_li,IPR_elon,DCS_Shot,DCS_li,DCS_elon 4. Missing data codes: 5. Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: DCS: Disruptive Current Spike VDE: Vertical Displacement Event IPR: Experimental plasma current not meeting target li: Plasma internal inductance elon (kappa): Plasma elongation DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: figureScatter_li_elon_NSTX-U_2016.csv Comment: NSTX-U 2016 operation space plot kappa vs. li calculated at times of trigger events (Figure 6b) 1. Number of columns: 9 2. Number of cases/rows: 171 3. Variable List: Columns: VDE_Shot,VDE_li,VDE_elon,IPR_Shot,IPR_li,IPR_elon,DCS_Shot,DCS_li,DCS_elon 4. Missing data codes: 5. Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: DCS: Disruptive Current Spike VDE: Vertical Displacement Event IPR: Experimental plasma current not meeting target li: Plasma internal inductance elon (kappa): Plasma elongation DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: figureScatter_li_q95_all.csv Comment: li vs. elongation multi-device scatter plot, quantities read at the time of the triggers of the disruptive event chains, as recognized by DECAF (Figure 7) 1. Number of columns: 12 2. Number of cases/rows: 186 3. Variable List: Columns: KSTAR_2022_Shot,KSTAR_2022_VDE_q95,KSTAR_2022_VDE_li,MAST-U_2021_DCS_Shot,MAST-U_2021_DCS_q95,MAST-U_2021_DCS_li,MAST-U_2022_DCS_Shot,MAST-U_2022_DCS_q95,MAST-U_2022_DCS_li,NSTX_2016_DCS_Shot,NSTX_2016_DCS_q95,NSTX_2016_DCS_li 4. Missing data codes: 5. Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: Shot: Shot number DCS: Disruptive Current Spike li: Plasma internal inductance q95: Safety factor at 95% poloidal flux DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: histoPlasmaDurMAST-U_2022.csv Comment: Histograms of plasma durations for two branches of datapoints distinguishable in the MAST-U 2022 li vs. q95 operation space diagram (Figure 8b) 1. Number of columns: 4 2. Number of cases/rows: 89 3. Variable List: Columns: Shot high branch,plasma duration (s) high branch,Shot low branch,plasma duration (s) low branch 4. Missing data codes: 5. Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: figureScatter_DCE_KSTAR_2022.csv Comment: li/q95 vs. elongation scatter plot, quantities read at the time of the triggers of the disruptive event chains as recognized by DECAF, highlighted are the most frequent disruptive event chains, KSTAR 2022 (Figure 9a) 1. Number of columns: 12 2. Number of cases/rows: 104 3. Variable List: Columns: Shot ('VDE->CQS->IPR->USD'),elon,li/q95,Shot ('DCS->CQS->VDE->IPR->USD'),elon,li/q95,Shot ('DCS->VDE->CQS->IPR->USD'),elon,li/q95,Shot ('VDE->DCS->CQS->IPR->USD'),elon,li/q95 4. Missing data codes: 5. Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: DCS: Disruptive Current Spike VDE: Vertical Displacement Event IPR: Experimental plasma current not meeting target li: Plasma internal inductance elon (kappa): Plasma elongation q95: Safety factor at 95% poloidal flux DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: figureScatter_DCE_KSTAR_2022.csv Comment: li/q95 vs. elongation scatter plot, quantities read at the time of the triggers of the disruptive event chains as recognized by DECAF, highlighted are the most frequent disruptive event chains, MAST-U 2021 (Figure 9b) 1. Number of columns: 18 2. Number of cases/rows: 109 3. Variable List: Columns: Shot ('VDE->CQS'),elon,li/q95,Shot ('VDE->USD->CQS'),elon,li/q95,Shot ('VDE->DCS->CQS'),elon,li/q95,Shot ('IPR->VDE->CQS'),elon,li/q95,Shot ('IPR->DCS->CQS->VDE'),elon,li/q95,Shot ('DCS->CQS->VDE->IPR'),elon,li/q95 4. Missing data codes: 5. Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: DCS: Disruptive Current Spike VDE: Vertical Displacement Event IPR: Experimental plasma current not meeting target li: Plasma internal inductance elon (kappa): Plasma elongation q95: Safety factor at 95% poloidal flux