This readme.txt file was created on 2020-07-13 by Rebecca Sutton Koeser; reviewed by Josua Kotin GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Title of Dataset: Shakespeare and Company Project Dataset: Lending Library Members 2. Author Information A. Principal Investigator Contact Information Name: Joshua Kotin Institution: Princeton University Email: B. Associate or Co-investigator Contact Information Name: Rebecca Sutton Koeser Institution: Princeton University Email: C. Alternate Contact Information Name: Center for Digital Humanities Institution: Princeton University Email: 3. Date of data transcription, processing, and refinement: 2015-04 through 2020-07 4. Information about funding sources that supported the collection of the data: The Shakespeare and Company Project has received support from Princeton University’s Center for Digital Humanities; Humanities Council and the David A. Gardner ’69 Magic Project Fund; University Committee on Research in the Humanities and Social Sciences; the Dean’s Innovation Fund for New Ideas in the Humanities; the Bain-Swiggett Fund, Department of English; and the Princeton-Mellon Initiative in Architecture, Urbanism, and the Humanities. SHARING/ACCESS INFORMATION 1. Licenses/restrictions placed on the data: Dataset is released under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license (CC-BY-4.0): 3. Links to other publicly accessible locations of the data: Current versions of this dataset available at 4. Links/relationships to ancillary data sets: Information about lending library members, books, and events are available in separate datasets that can be used individually or together. All datasets use Shakespeare and Company Project URLs as consistent identifiers for books and members. Books: Events: Combined: 5. Was data derived from another source? Yes, datasets are exported from the Shakespeare and Company Project: Shakespeare and Company Project, version 1.2.0. Center for Digital Humanities, Princeton University, 2019. Accessed 13 July 2020. 6. Recommended citation for this dataset: Kotin, Joshua, Rebecca Sutton Koeser, Carl Adair, Serena Alagappan, Jean Bauer, Oliver J. Browne, Nick Budak, Harriet Calver, Jin Chow, Ian Davis, Gissoo Doroudian, Currie Engel, Elspeth Green, Benjamin Hicks, Madeleine E. Joelson, Carolyn Kelly, Sara Krolewski, Xinyi Li, Ellie Maag, Cate Mahoney, Jesse D. McCarthy, Mary Naydan, Isabel Ruehl, Sylvie Thode, Camey VanSant, and Clifford E. Wulfman. Shakespeare and Company Project Dataset: Lending Library Members. Version 1.0. July 2020. Distributed by DataSpace, Princeton University. DATA & FILE OVERVIEW All data is related to the Shakespeare and Company bookshop and lending library opened and operated by Sylvia Beach in Paris. 1. File List: SCoData_members_v1_2020-07.csv : lending library members SCoData_members_v1_2020-07.json : lending library members (JSON) SCoData_members_v1_2020-07_datapackage.json : frictionless data ( data package schema description for CSV file 2. Relationship between files, if important: CSV and JSON files with the same name have exactly the same content. All files use member and book URIs from the Shakespeare and Company Project site as identifiers for cross-referencing data. 3. Are there multiple versions of the dataset? Not yet, but we anticipate releasing new versions as more data is added or corrections are made. DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: members.csv, members.json 1. Number of fields: 19 2. Number of rows: 5726 3. Field List: uri : identifier; member detail page on name : full name; may include variant names, name as written on lending library card; for more, see sort_name : authorized name title : honorific address if known, e.g. Mr., Mrs. etc. gender : Male, Female, Nonbinary, Unknown; for more, see is_organization : member is an organization instead of a person (boolean) has_card : member has an extant lending library card (boolean) birth_year : birth year, if known death_year : death year, if known membership_years : list of known active membership years (multiple, separated by semicolons) viaf_url : URL for Virtual Internet Authority File (VIAF, identifier, if known wikipedia_url : URL for Wikipedia page, if known nationalities : countries for known nationality (multiple, separated by semicolons) addresses : list of known addresses (multiple, separated by semicolons) postal_codes : list of postal addresses from addresses (multiple, separated by semicolons; order matches addresses) arrondissements : list of Paris arrondissements (integer; multiple, separated by semicolons; order matches addresses) coordinates : list of geographical coordinates for known addresses (pairs of latitude, longitude; multiple, separated by semicolons; order matches addresses) notes : more information (text with markdown formatting) updated : timestamp record was last modified in the Shakespeare and Company Project database before export 4. Missing data codes: Fields with no information are left blank.