------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This dataset contains the 0.02×0.02 monthly oversampled NH3 dataset for contiguous U.S. in the article "Monthly patterns of ammonia over the contiguous United States at 2 km resolution" by Rui Wang, Xuehui Guo, Da Pan, James Kelly, Jesse Bash, Kang Sun, Fabien Paulot, Lieven Clarisse, Martin Van Damme, Simon Whitburn, Pierre-François Coheur, Cathy Clerbaux, and Mark A. Zondlo (submitted to Geophysical Research Letters) Contact: Rui Wang (ruiw@princeton.edu), Mark Zondlo (mzondlo@princeton.edu) This dataset was first published on 2020-12-11. The dataset contains: 1. 01_CONUS_IASI_v2.2r.nc 2. 02_CONUS_IASI_v2.2r.nc 3. 03_CONUS_IASI_v2.2r.nc 4. 04_CONUS_IASI_v2.2r.nc 5. 05_CONUS_IASI_v2.2r.nc 6. 06_CONUS_IASI_v2.2r.nc 7. 07_CONUS_IASI_v2.2r.nc 8. 08_CONUS_IASI_v2.2r.nc 9. 09_CONUS_IASI_v2.2r.nc 10. 10_CONUS_IASI_v2.2r.nc 11. 11_CONUS_IASI_v2.2r.nc 12. 12_CONUS_IASI_v2.2r.nc 13. CONUS_IASI_v2.2r.kmz 14. CONUS_IASI_v2.2r_95th_boundary.kmz 15. CONUS_IASI_v2.2r_animation.gif 16. README.txt ------------------------------------------------------File 1 - 12------------------------------------------------------- File 1 - 12 are netCDF files for each month's oversampled NH3 data. For each file, there are three variables: lat: latitude, unit: degree lon: longitude, unit: degree NH3: NH3 column, unit: molec/cm2. Missing data were indicated by NaN. ------------------------------------------------------File 13----------------------------------------------------------- kmz file for annual averaged NH3 in the contiguous U.S. ------------------------------------------------------File 14----------------------------------------------------------- kmz file for the NH3 hotspots boundary in the contiguous U.S. NH3 column abundances larger than the 95% percentile (6.6 × 10^15 molec/cm2) of the 10-year averaged level 3 map are defined as “hotspot” regions. ------------------------------------------------------File 15----------------------------------------------------------- Animation for the monthly oversampled NH3 maps in the contiguous U.S. ----------------------------------------------------Methodology--------------------------------------------------------- The the Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer (IASI) v2.2R retrieval product data (2008-2017) were obtained from the MetOp/A (2008-current) and MetOp/B (2013-current) satellites (limited to cloud fraction ≤10%). The details of the oversampling algorithm is described in the article "A physics-based approach to oversample multi-satellite, multispecies observations to a common grid" by Kang Sun, Lei Zhu, Karen Cady-Pereira, Christopher Chan Miller, Kelly Chance, Lieven Clarisse, Pierre-François Coheur, Gonzalo González Abad, Guanyu Huang, Xiong Liu, Martin Van Damme, Kai Yang, and Mark Zondlo ----------------------------------------------------Funding info-------------------------------------------------------- We acknowledge support from the NASA Health and Air Quality Applied Sciences team (NASA NNX16AQ90G).