The variables contained within each .mat file are as follows fig2.mat time: Times plotted in (a) ApexHeight: Apex height values plotted in (a) yvi: The y-values color values are plotted at. zvi: The z-values color values are plotted at. yvr: The y-values in-plane B arrows are plotted at. zvr: The z-values in-plane B arrows are plotted at. ToroidalCurrent: 2D toroidal current values. (Actually exist at midpoints of yvi-zvi plane.) ToroidalField: 2D toroidal magnetic field values. PoloidalFLux: 2D poloidal flux function for which contours are plotted. PoloidalFieldY: y-component of in-plane magnetic field. PoloidalFieldZ: z-component of in-plane magnetic field. fig5.mat Shots: A list of the shot numbers that are plotted. SafetyFactor: The x-values of each plotted shot. DecayIndex: The y-values of each plotted shot. InstabilityAmplitude: The color-values of each plotted shot. ERUPT_FLAG: Boolean marking if each shot was eruptive or not. MarkedLocations: Each row is the (x,y) location of a marked point in the figure. fig6.mat time: The times that are plotted. ApexHeight: A cell containing the (potentially multivalued) apex heights at each time. t_trig: The times that are marked as a trigger. fig7FailedTorus.mat and fig7Eruptive.mat Values for either the failed torus or eruptive case time: Delay times TotalEnergy ThermalEnergy MagneticEnergy FlowEnergy CompressivePower MagneticCompression ApexHeight fig8.mat The top row of each represents the values for the failed torus example and the bottom row represents the eruptive example time CathodeCurrent CathodeEnvelopeWidth AnodeCurrent AnodeEnvelopeWidth fig9a.mat and fig9b.mat Shots SafetyFactor DecayIndex CurrentEnvelope ERUPT_FLAG fig10a.mat, fig10b.mat, and fig10c.mat Shots CathodeEnvelope AnodeEnvelope InstabilityAmplitude fig11.mat time EruptiveCathode EruptiveAnode EruptiveApex FailedTorusCathode FailedTorusAnode FailedTorusApex fig12.mat time EruptiveCathode EruptiveAnode EruptiveApex FailedTorusCathode FailedTorusAnode FailedTorusApex fig13.mat time: The times that are plotted. InternalFlux: Phi_ai VacuumFlux: Phi_av ApexHeight: A cell containing the (potentially multivalued) apex heights at each time. fig15.mat Bg1_vec: x-axis values Bti0_vec: y-axis values a_change: plotted color value in (a) Bti_change: plotted color value in (b) fig17.mat dz_vec: x values Bave_vec: y values fig18.mat time: The times that are plotted. InternalFlux: Phi_ai VacuumFlux: Phi_av AveToroidalB2: AveInternalB2: AveExternalB2: AveCrossTerm: <2B_Ti B_Tv> NormalizedTensionForce: F_t/F_t(t=t_0) ApexHeight: A cell containing the (potentially multivalued) apex heights at each time.