This WED_VLP_auditory_responses_readme.txt file was generated on 06.06.2022 by Christa A. Baker GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Title of Dataset: Data for "The role of fruitless in specifying courtship behaviors across divergent Drosophila species" 2. Author Information A. Principal Investigator Contact Information Name: Mala Murthy Institution: Princeton University Email: B. Associate or Co-investigator Contact Information Name: Christa A. Baker Institution: North Carolina State University Email: 3. Date of data collection: from 2015-12-01 to 2018-10-04 4. Geographic location of data collection: Princeton, New Jersey, US. SHARING/ACCESS INFORMATION 1. Licenses/restrictions placed on the data: CC-BY4.0. Licenses/restrictions placed on the code:GNU 2. Recommended citation for this dataset: Baker, C.A., Guan, X.-J., Choi, M., Murthy, M. (2023). Effects of fruitless on acoustic duetting in Drosophila virilis. Distributed by DataSpace, Princeton University. 3. Corresponding paper: Baker, C.A., Guan, X.-J., Choi, M., Murthy, M. The role of fruitless in specifying courtship behaviors across divergent Drosophila species DATA & FILE OVERVIEW 1. File List: readme.txt Python code for predicting the probabilities of bilateral song vs. no song from a microphone recording 2class_arch.json: model architecture for the 2-class predictions 2class_weights.h5: weights for the 2-class predictions Python code for predicting the probabilities of bilateral song vs. unilateral song vs. overlap vs. no song from a microphone recording 4class_arch.json: model architecture for the 4-class predictions 4class_weights.h5: weights for the 4-class predictions env.yml: Python packages and libraries used Dvir_behavscores_FruMFemales.mat: this is a dataset of all manually scored behaviors of a single D. virilis fly when paired with a wild-type male (withWTM) and wild-type female (withWTF). Genotypes include FruM/+ ('h') females, FruM/FruM ('H') females, and +/+ ('F') control females. Dvir_behavscores_FruNullMales.mat: this is a dataset of all manually scored behaviors of a single D. virilis fly when paired with a wild-type male (null_withWTM) and wild-type female (null_withWTF). Genotypes include -/+ ('n') males and +/+ ('M') control females. Dmel_behavscores.mat: this is a dataset of all manually scored behaviors of a single D. melanogaster fly when paired with a wild-type male (withWTM) and wild-type female (withWTF). The proportion of bins containing each behavior is also provided.Genotypes include FruM/+ females ('FruM/+_F), FruM/Fru4-40 females ('FruM/-_F'), +/+ females ('NM91_F'), and +/+ males ('NM91_M). Dvir_segmenter_performance.xlsx: this file contains quantification of the D. virilis unilateral and bilateral song segmenter performance across genotypes *_summarySongStats.mat: these files contain measurements of unilateral and bilateral song features for the D. virilis pairings listed in the filenames and explained below along with the source of each song type: FruNullM_WTF: -/+ males (unilateral) paired with +/+ females (bilateral) HomoF_WTF: FruTra/FruTra females (unilateral) paired with +/+ females (bilateral) WTM_HetF: +/+ males (unilateral) paired with FruTra/+ females (bilateral) WTM_HomoF: +/+ males (unilateral) paired with FruTra/FruTra females (bilateral) WTM_WTF_controlforFruNullMale: +/+ males (unilateral) paired with +/+ females (bilateral). These males are the +/+ siblings of the -/+ males and thus serve as controls for -/+ males. WTM_WTF_nomutants: +/+ males (unilateral) paired with +/+ females (bilateral). These data were collected independently from any fru mutants. WTM_WTF: +/+ males (unilateral) paired with +/+ females (bilateral). These females are siblings of FruTra/+ and FruTra/FruTra females. WTM_WTM_ctrlforFruNullMale: +/+ males paired with +/+ male siblings of -/+ males. Both males contributed unilateral and bilateral song. METHODOLOGICAL INFORMATION 1. Description of methods used for collection/generation of data: We collected these data using a custom-built behavioral rig consisting of cameras and microphones. Data were collected using a custom Matlab GUI. Full description can be found in the Methods. 2. Methods for processing the data: Full description of the analysis pipeline is described in the Methods. Analyses were run in Matlab 2019a. Briefly, after collection, audio recordings were segmented into unilateral and bilateral song using two convolutional neural networks in Python. Custom Matlab scripts then measured song features such as interpulse interval, number of pulses per bout, pulse duration, response times, and total amount of song. Video recordings were manually scored (see Methods) for multiple courtship (tapping/tarsal contact, licking/proboscis extension, and unilateral wing extensions) and aggressive (fencing/sparring and circling/spinning) behaviors. Statistical tests were performed in Matlab 2019a. 3. Instrument- or software-specific information needed to interpret the data: Datasets were saved as *.mat files using Matlab 2023a. 4. Data were collected by Christa A. Baker and Xiao-Juan Guan. Data were processed and analyzed by Christa A. Baker. DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: Dvir_behavscores_FruMFemales.mat 1. Number of variables: 2 2. Variable List: wthWTF: structure containing unique flyID ('flyname'); genotype ('h'=FruM/+ female, 'H'=FruM/FruM female, 'F'=+/+ female); and # of scored bins containing curling/spinning ('bodycheck'), fencing/sparring ('head2head'), tarsal contact ('rub'), proboscis extension ('lick'), unilateral wing extension ('unilatwe'), wing flicks ('wingflick'), and bilateral wing extension ('bilatwe'). All scored behaviors in this structure pertain to the experimental female (and not the +/+ female she was paired with). withWTM: structure containing unique flyID ('flyname'); genotype ('h'=FruM/+ female, 'H'=FruM/FruM female, 'F'=+/+ female); and # of scored bins containing curling/spinning ('bodycheck'), fencing/sparring ('head2head'), tarsal contact ('rub'), proboscis extension ('lick'), unilateral wing extension ('unilatwe'), wing flicks ('wingflick'), and bilateral wing extension ('bilatwe'). 'F' field prefix denotes behaviors displayed by the experimental female, and 'M' field prefix denotes behaviors displayed by the +/+ male. DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: Dvir_behavscores_FruNullMales.mat 1. Number of variables: 2 2. Variable List: null_wthWTF: structure containing unique flyID ('flyname'); genotype ('n'=-/+ male, 'M'=+/+ male); copulation latency (minutes) ('copLatencyMin'), and # of scored bins containing curling/spinning ('bodycheck'), fencing/sparring ('head2head'), tarsal contact ('rub'), proboscis extension ('lick'), unilateral wing extension ('unilatwe'), wing flicks ('wingflick'), and bilateral wing extension ('bilatwe'). All scored behaviors in this structure pertain to the experimental male (and not the +/+ female he was paired with). withWTM: structure containing unique flyID ('flyname'); genotype ('n'=-/+ male, 'M'=+/+ male); and # of scored bins containing curling/spinning ('bodycheck'), fencing/sparring ('head2head'), tarsal contact ('rub'), proboscis extension ('lick'), unilateral wing extension ('unilatwe'), wing flicks ('wingflick'), and bilateral wing extension ('bilatwe'). 'WTM' field prefix denotes behaviors displayed by the +/+ male, and 'MUTM' field prefix denotes behaviors displayed by the experimental (-/+ or +/+ control, depending on genotype) male. DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: Dmel_behavscores.mat 1. Number of variables: 2 2. Variable List: wthWTF: structure containing unique flyID ('flyname'); genotype ('FruM/+_F' = FruM/+ females, 'FruM/-_F' = FruM/Fru4-40 females, 'NM91_F' = +/+ females, and 'NM91_M' = +/+ males); and # of scored bins containing curling/spinning ('circling'), fencing/sparring ('head2head'), tarsal contact ('tap'), proboscis extension ('lick'), unilateral wing extension ('unilatwe'), wing flicks ('wingflick'), bilateral wing extension ('bilatwe'), overipositor extrusion ('oviposit'), and # of scored bins prior to copulation ('numBins'). All scored behaviors in this structure pertain to the experimental fly (denoted by genotype) (and not the +/+ female courtship target). withWTM: structure containing unique flyID ('flyname'); genotype ('FruM/+_F' = FruM/+ females, 'FruM/-_F' = FruM/Fru4-40 females, 'NM91_F' = +/+ females, and 'NM91_M' = +/+ males); copulation latency (minutes) ('copLatencyMin'); and # of scored bins containing curling/spinning ('circling'), fencing/sparring ('head2head'), tarsal contact ('tap'), proboscis extension ('lick'), unilateral wing extension ('unilatwe'), wing flicks ('wingflick'), and bilateral wing extension ('bilatwe'). 'F' field prefix denotes behaviors displayed by the experimental fly (depending on genotype), and 'M' field prefix denotes behaviors displayed by the +/+ male. DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: FruNullM_WTF_summarySongStats.mat 1. Number of variables: 3 2. Variable List: files_used: structure containing the unique name of each recording ('names'), the amount of courtship time (seconds) preceding copulation ('courtTimesSec_precop'), and the time copulation started (seconds) ('copStartTimesSec'). F_median_perfly: structure containing the per-fly median IPI (milliseconds), pulse duration (milliseconds), # pulses per bout, response time (milliseconds), and the proportion of courtship time spent singing. All data in this structure pertain to bilateral song in each recording. Here the genotype is +/+ females. M_median_perfly: structure containing the per-fly median IPI (milliseconds), pulse duration (milliseconds), # pulses per bout, response time (milliseconds), and the proportion of courtship time spent singing. All data in this structure pertain to unilateral song in each recording. Here the genotype is -/+ males. DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: WTM_HomoF_summarySongStats.mat 1. Number of variables: 3 2. Variable List: files_used: structure containing the unique name of each recording ('names'), the amount of courtship time (seconds) preceding copulation ('courtTimesSec_precop'), and the time copulation started (seconds) ('copStartTimesSec'). F_median_perfly: structure containing the per-fly median IPI (milliseconds), pulse duration (milliseconds), # pulses per bout, response time (milliseconds), and the proportion of courtship time spent singing. All data in this structure pertain to bilateral song in each recording. Here the genotype is +/+ females. M_median_perfly: structure containing the per-fly median IPI (milliseconds), pulse duration (milliseconds), # pulses per bout, response time (milliseconds), and the proportion of courtship time spent singing. All data in this structure pertain to unilateral song in each recording. Here the genotype is FruM/FruM females. DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: WTM_HetF_summarySongStats.mat 1. Number of variables: 3 2. Variable List: files_used: structure containing the unique name of each recording ('names'), the amount of courtship time (seconds) preceding copulation ('courtTimesSec_precop'), the time copulation started (seconds) ('copStartTimesSec'), and the copulation latency (minutes) ('copLatencyMin'). F_median_perfly: structure containing the per-fly median IPI (milliseconds), pulse duration (milliseconds), # pulses per bout, response time (milliseconds), and the proportion of courtship time spent singing. All data in this structure pertain to bilateral song in each recording. Here the genotype is FruM/+ females. M_median_perfly: structure containing the per-fly median IPI (milliseconds), pulse duration (milliseconds), # pulses per bout, response time (milliseconds), and the proportion of courtship time spent singing. All data in this structure pertain to unilateral song in each recording. Here the genotype is +/+ males. DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: WTM_HomoF_summarySongStats.mat 1. Number of variables: 3 2. Variable List: files_used: structure containing the unique name of each recording ('names'), the amount of courtship time (seconds) preceding copulation ('courtTimesSec_precop'), and the time copulation started (seconds) ('copStartTimesSec'). F_median_perfly: structure containing the per-fly median IPI (milliseconds), pulse duration (milliseconds), # pulses per bout, response time (milliseconds), and the proportion of courtship time spent singing. All data in this structure pertain to bilateral song in each recording. Here the genotype is FruM/FruM females. M_median_perfly: structure containing the per-fly median IPI (milliseconds), pulse duration (milliseconds), # pulses per bout, response time (milliseconds), and the proportion of courtship time spent singing. All data in this structure pertain to unilateral song in each recording. Here the genotype is +/+ males. DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: WTM_WTF_controlforFruNullMale_summarySongStats.mat 1. Number of variables: 3 2. Variable List: files_used: structure containing the unique name of each recording ('names'), the amount of courtship time (seconds) preceding copulation ('courtTimesSec_precop'), and the time copulation started (seconds) ('copStartTimesSec'). F_median_perfly: structure containing the per-fly median IPI (milliseconds), pulse duration (milliseconds), # pulses per bout, response time (milliseconds), and the proportion of courtship time spent singing. All data in this structure pertain to bilateral song in each recording. Here the genotype is +/+ females. M_median_perfly: structure containing the per-fly median IPI (milliseconds), pulse duration (milliseconds), # pulses per bout, response time (milliseconds), and the proportion of courtship time spent singing. All data in this structure pertain to unilateral song in each recording. Here the genotype is +/+ males (sibling controls for -/+ males). DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: WTM_WTF_nomutants_summarySongStats.mat 1. Number of variables: 3 2. Variable List: files_used: structure containing the unique name of each recording ('names'), the amount of courtship time (seconds) preceding copulation ('courtTimesSec_precop'), and the time copulation started (seconds) ('copStartTimesSec'). F_median_perfly: structure containing the per-fly median IPI (milliseconds), pulse duration (milliseconds), # pulses per bout, response time (milliseconds), and the proportion of courtship time spent singing. All data in this structure pertain to bilateral song in each recording. Here the genotype is +/+ females. M_median_perfly: structure containing the per-fly median IPI (milliseconds), pulse duration (milliseconds), # pulses per bout, response time (milliseconds), and the proportion of courtship time spent singing. All data in this structure pertain to unilateral song in each recording. Here the genotype is +/+ males. DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: WTM_WTF_summarySongStats.mat 1. Number of variables: 3 2. Variable List: files_used: structure containing the unique name of each recording ('names'), the amount of courtship time (seconds) preceding copulation ('courtTimesSec_precop'), the time copulation started (seconds) ('copStartTimesSec'), and the copulation latency (minutes) ('copLatencyMin'). F_median_perfly: structure containing the per-fly median IPI (milliseconds), pulse duration (milliseconds), # pulses per bout, response time (milliseconds), and the proportion of courtship time spent singing. All data in this structure pertain to bilateral song in each recording. Here the genotype is +/+ females. M_median_perfly: structure containing the per-fly median IPI (milliseconds), pulse duration (milliseconds), # pulses per bout, response time (milliseconds), and the proportion of courtship time spent singing. All data in this structure pertain to unilateral song in each recording. Here the genotype is +/+ males. DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: WTM_WTM_ctrlForFruNullMale_summarySongStats.mat 1. Number of variables: 3 2. Variable List: files_used: structure containing the unique name of each recording ('names'), the amount of courtship time (seconds) preceding copulation ('courtTimesSec_precop'), and the time copulation started (seconds) ('copStartTimesSec'). F_median_perfly: structure containing the per-fly median IPI (milliseconds), pulse duration (milliseconds), # pulses per bout, response time (milliseconds), and the proportion of courtship time spent singing. All data in this structure pertain to bilateral song in each recording. Here the genotype is +/+ males. M_median_perfly: structure containing the per-fly median IPI (milliseconds), pulse duration (milliseconds), # pulses per bout, response time (milliseconds), and the proportion of courtship time spent singing. All data in this structure pertain to unilateral song in each recording. Here the genotype is +/+ males.