------------------------------GENERAL INFORMATION----------------------------- 1. Title of Dataset: Data for "Spatial heterogeneity of ammonia fluxes in a deciduous forest and adjacent grassland" 2. Author Information A. Principal Investigator Contact Information Name: Mark A. Zondlo Institution: Princeton University Address: CEE / Princeton Engineering Quadrangle E208 Olden Street Princeton, NJ 08544 Email: mzondlo@princeton.edu B. Alternate Contact Information Name: Xuehui Guo Institution: University of Virginia Address: University of Virginia Department of Environmental Sciences 272 Clark Hall 291 McCormick Rd Charlottesville, VA 22904 Email: sdh2nv@virginia.edu 3. Date of data collection: Flux observations: 2017-08-12 to 2017-11-13 (forest) and 2017-08-12 to 2017-11-10 (grassland) 4. Geographic location of data collection: Duke Forest, North Carolina, United States 5. Information about funding sources that supported the collection of the data: The authors gratefully thank the US EPA [contract number EP-W- 16-015, Wood Environment & Infrastructure Solutions, Inc. MSSP sub- contract #TMH2017-084] for funding this study. Xuehui Guo acknowl- edges the NASA Earth and Space Science Fellowship [grant number 80NSSC17K0377] for financial support. We acknowledge Tom Craven (Duke Forest) for assistance with LIDAR data and Mark Barnes (EPA) and Aleksandra Djurkovic (EPA) for assistance with biogeochemical sampling and analysis. Additional wind data from the grass field were made available by the governmental agencies, commercial firms, and educational institutions participating in MesoWest. --------------------------SHARING/ACCESS INFORMATION--------------------------- 1. Recommended citation for this dataset: Guo, X., Pan, D., Daly, R. W., Chen, X., Walker, J. T., Tao, L., McSpiritt, J., and Zondlo., M. A. (2022). Data for "Spatial heterogeneity of ammonia fluxes in a deciduous forest and adjacent grassland" [Data set]. Princeton University. https://doi.org/10.34770/s7m8-b402 2. Corresponding paper: Guo, X., Pan, D., Daly, R. W., Chen, X., Walker, J. T., Tao, L., McSpiritt, J., and Zondlo., M. A. (2022). Spatial heterogeneity of ammonia fluxes in a deciduous forest and adjacent grassland. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agrformet.2022.109128 ------------------------------DATA & FILE OVERVIEW----------------------------- This dataset contains the 30-min averaged observations measured at Duke Forest and flux results calculated using the eddy covariance method for the article "Spatial heterogeneity of ammonia fluxes in a deciduous forest and adjacent grassland". The dataset contains 3 files. Files: 1. flux_results_forest.csv 2. flux_results_grassland.csv 3. README.txt -----------------------------------File 1-2------------------------------------ These files are the 30-min results of fluxes, micrometeorology and other relevant parameters for forest and grassland, respectively. Each of the file contains 59 columns. The first row lists the variable names and the second row lists the units. Data start from the third row. "-9999" stands for missing or invalid data. -----------------------------------File 3------------------------------------- File 3 is this README file.