This dataset contains the 1/8 degeree calibrated VIC parameters over CONUS in the article "In Quest of Calibration Density and Consistency in Hydrologic Modeling: Distributed Parameter Calibration against Streamflow Characteristics" by Yuan Yang, Ming Pan, Hylke E. Beck, Colby K. Fisher, R. Edwrad Beighley, Shih-Chieh Kao, Yang Hong, and Eric F. Wood, published by Water Resources Research in 2019. doi/10.1029/2018WR024178 Included files: "soil_calibV4_0.0625d.txt" Soil parameter file. There are 53 parameters for each grid, among which bi (Column 5), Ds (Column 6) and thick2 (Column 24) are calibrated in this study. "lai_uw_0.0625d.txt" Vegetation parameter file. "veglib_ldas.txt" Vegetation library file.