------------------------------------------------------------ | Dataset | | | | for | | | | "Energetic particle optimization of | | quasi-axisymmetric stellarator equilibria" | | | | A. LeViness et al. | ------------------------------------------------------------ Figure_01 --------- fig1_qa_profiles.csv: CSV-formatted file with the following columns: s: normalized toroidal flux coordinate s, the square root of which is the x-axis of the figure LI383: the profile of E_qa(s) for the equilibrium LI383 QA1: the profile of E_qa(s) for the equilibrium QA1 QA2: the profile of E_qa(s) for the equilibrium QA2 QA3: the profile of E_qa(s) for the equilibrium QA3 QA4: the profile of E_qa(s) for the equilibrium QA4 QA4n: the profile of E_qa(s) for the equilibrium QA4n QA5: the profile of E_qa(s) for the equilibrium QA5 Figure_02 --------- fig2_gammac_profiles.csv: CSV-formatted file with the following columns: s: normalized toroidal flux coordinate s, the square root of which is the x-axis of the figure LI383: the profile of Gamma_C(s) for the equilibrium LI383 QA1: the profile of Gamma_C(s) for the equilibrium QA1 QA2: the profile of Gamma_C(s) for the equilibrium QA2 QA3: the profile of Gamma_C(s) for the equilibrium QA3 QA4: the profile of Gamma_C(s) for the equilibrium QA4 QA4n: the profile of Gamma_C(s) for the equilibrium QA4n QA5: the profile of Gamma_C(s) for the equilibrium QA5 QA5 - ROSE: the profile of Gamma_C(s) for the equilibrium QA5, evaluated by the ROSE code Figure_03 --------- fig3_left_gammac_profiles.csv: CSV-formatted file with the following columns: s: normalized toroidal flux coordinate s, the square root of which is the x-axis of the figure LI383: the profile of Gamma_C(s) for the equilibrium LI383 QA4: the profile of Gamma_C(s) for the equilibrium QA4 QA4n: the profile of Gamma_C(s) for the equilibrium QA4n QA4-1: the profile of Gamma_C(s) for the equilibrium QA4-1 QA4-2: the profile of Gamma_C(s) for the equilibrium QA4-2 QA4-3: the profile of Gamma_C(s) for the equilibrium QA4-3 QA4-4: the profile of Gamma_C(s) for the equilibrium QA4-4 fig3_right_gammac_profiles.csv: CSV-formatted file with the following columns: s: normalized toroidal flux coordinate s, the square root of which is the x-axis of the figure LI383: the profile of Gamma_C(s) for the equilibrium LI383 QA5: the profile of Gamma_C(s) for the equilibrium QA5 QA5-1: the profile of Gamma_C(s) for the equilibrium QA5-1 QA5-2: the profile of Gamma_C(s) for the equilibrium QA5-2 QA5-3: the profile of Gamma_C(s) for the equilibrium QA5-3 QA5-4: the profile of Gamma_C(s) for the equilibrium QA5-4 Figure_04 --------- fig4_left_flux_surfaces.csv: CSV-formatted file corresponding to the left-most plot in Figure 4 with the following columns: LI383-R: R coordinates of points in the flux surfaces for LI383 LI383-Z: Z coordinates of points in the flux surfaces for LI383 QA4-2-R: R coordinates of points in the flux surfaces for QA4-2 QA4-2-Z: Z coordinates of points in the flux surfaces for QA4-2 QA5-4-R: R coordinates of points in the flux surfaces for QA5-4 QA5-4-Z: Z coordinates of points in the flux surfaces for QA5-4 For each column, row 2 is the axis, rows 3-93 are the inner flux surface, and rows 94-184 are the outermost flux surface fig4_middle_flux_surfaces.csv: CSV-formatted file corresponding to the middle plot in Figure 4 with the same column and row definitions as the previous file. fig4_right_flux_surfaces.csv: CSV-formatted file corresponding to the right-most plot in Figure 4 with the same column and row definitions as the previous two files. Figure_05 --------- fig5_magwell.csv: CSV-formatted file with the following columns: s: normalized toroidal flux coordinate s, the square root of which is the x-axis of the figure LI383: the profile of W(s) for the equilibrium LI383 QA5-4: the profile of W(s) for the equilibrium QA5-4 QA4-2: the profile of W(s) for the equilibrium QA4-2 Figure_06 --------- fig6_iota.csv: CSV-formatted file with the following columns: s: normalized toroidal flux coordinate s, the square root of which is the x-axis of the figure LI383: the profile of iota(s) for the equilibrium LI383 QA4-2: the profile of iota(s) for the equilibrium QA4-2 QA5-4: the profile of iota(s) for the equilibrium QA5-4 Figure_07 --------- fig7_reaction.csv: CSV-formatted file with the following columns: s: normalized toroidal flux coordinate s, the square root of which is the x-axis of the figure rate: the profile of fusion reaction rate vs. s Figure_08 --------- fig8_original.csv: CSV-formatted file with the following columns: s: normalized toroidal flux coordinate s, the square root of which is the x-axis of the figure LI383_0: original toroidal current density for each s for the scaled-up version of LI383, as calculated by VMEC QA4-2_0: original toroidal current density for each s for the scaled-up version of QA4-2, as calculated by VMEC QA5-4_0: original toroidal current density for each s for the scaled-up version of QA5-4, as calculated by VMEC fig8_sfincs.csv: CSV-formatted file with the following columns: s: normalized toroidal flux coordinate s, the square root of which is the x-axis of the figure LI383_1: self-consistent toroidal current density for each s calculated by SFINCS for the scaled-up version of LI383 QA4-2_1: self-consistent toroidal current density for each s calculated by SFINCS for the scaled-up version of QA4-2 QA5-4_1: self-consistent toroidal current density for each s calculated by SFINCS for the scaled-up version of QA5-4 Figure_09 --------- fig9_losses.csv: CSV-formatted data file with the 2-D data plotted as a bar chart in Figure 9. Columns: Name: name of each equilibrium N_lost: total collisionless particle losses after 200 ms simulation E_lost: total collisional energy losses after 120 ms simulation Each row represents the equilibrium listed by name in the first column. Figure_10 --------- fig10_collisionless_losses.csv: CSV-formatted data file with the following columns: time: simulation time in seconds LI383: total collisionless particle losses at each time for LI383 QA5-4: total collisionless particle losses at each time for QA5-4 QA4-2: total collisionless particle losses at each time for QA4-2 fig10_energy_losses.csv: CSV-formatted data file with the following columns: time: simulation time in seconds LI383: total collisional energy losses at each time for LI383 QA5-4: total collisional energy losses at each time for QA5-4 QA4-2: total collisional energy losses at each time for QA4-2 Figure_11 --------- fig11_li383_orbit.csv: CSV-formatted data file with the following columns for the particle in LI383: time: simulation time in seconds u: normalized poloidal angle in radians of particle location at each time s: normalized toroidal flux coordinate of particle location at each time fig11_qa5-4_orbit.csv: CSV-formatted data file with the following columns for the particle in QA5-4: time: simulation time in seconds u: normalized poloidal angle in radians of particle location at each time s: normalized toroidal flux coordinate of particle location at each time Figure_12 --------- fig12_pearson.csv: CSV-formatted data file with the 2-D data plotted as a bar chart in Figure 11. Columns: Metric: name of each metric (eg _core) N_lost: Pearson's r calculated for each metric with total collisionless particle losses after 200 ms simulation E_lost: Pearson's r calculated for each metric with total collisional energy losses after 200 ms simulation N_prompt: Pearson's r calculated for each metric with total collisionless particle losses after 1 ms of simulation time Each row represents the metric listed by name in the first column. Figure_13 --------- fig13_gammac_prompt.csv: CSV-formatted data file with the following columns: : Gamma_C averaged over all flux surfaces for each equilibrium N_prompt: collisionless particle losses after 1 ms of simulation time for each equilibrium