Created by Jane Baldwin on 2-12-18. Email:, This data is compiled to support a publication in journal Earth's Future: Baldwin et al 2019 "Temporally Compound Heat Waves and Global Warming: An Emerging Hazard". The GCM GFDL CM2.5-FLOR was used to produce the raw climate model data. The model code for FLOR is freely available and can be downloaded at Code used to calculate the derived heat wave statistics data and produce figures in the paper is available at The heat wave statistics derived output for only one definition is provided (daily minimum temperature, 90th percentile threshold, temporal structure 3114) which is the definition used the most in the paper figures. Statistics for the other definitions can be created by running the HWSTATS code provided in the corresponding github folder, which includes python scripts which do the analysis and PBS job scheduling and submission scripts which show how to run the python scripts. For more information on this, please see the github readme. All the data is in netcdf format. The heat wave statistics data files are named to reflect the heat wave definition used and data analyzed. For example, the filename means: tn: daily minimumm temperature 90pct: 90th percentile threshold heatwaves: not important; just saying it's data about heat waves FLOR: data from FLOR simulation r3: third ensemble member 3114: allowed heat wave temporal structure. First digit is minimum duration of initial heat event in days, second digit is maximum break length, the third digit is minimum duration of second heat event, and the fourth digit is unnecessary and can be ignored. See paper for further discussion of these temporal structure specifications. yearly: metrics are aggregated yearly summer: metrics are calculated over the summer The data is organized in a directory structure such as this: data/compoundheatwaves/ 1st Level /MERRA2: MERRA2 reanalysis raw and derived data. Used for Figures 1, 8, S1, S2, S3, S4, and S8. /FLOR: GCM GFDL CM2.5-FLOR raw output and derived data. Used for Figures 3, 4, 5, 6, S1, S2, S3, S5, S6, S7, S8. 2nd Level: /MERRA2/RAW: * MERRA2 daily minimum and maximum temperature from 1980-2015. * Land-ocean mask for the MERRA data. * MERRA2 daily minimum and maximum temperature linearly interpolated to FLOR's grid and subset over the grid point closest to Chicago, IL. Used for Figure S8. * Same as but for Manaus, Brazil. /MERRA2/HWSTATS: * /Shift_0, /Shift_1-5, /Shift_2, /Shift_2xCO2: Each folder includes heat wave statistics derived from the MERRA2 data with different mean shifts, where the number corresponds to a mean shift in Kelvin, and 2xCO2 indicates the time global mean different between FLOR Control and 2xCO2. /Shift_0 is used for Figure 8, S2, and S4. All the other shifts are used for Figure 8. Created with PBS scripts merra5defs_shift*_fix_1981 which run FLOR directory is nested inside data/compoundheatwaves/GFDL-CM2.5-FLOR/ /FLOR/RAW: * Includes the FLOR land mask, which is necessary for calculating heat wave statistics with the FLOR data. * /ENSEMBLE: Global daily minimum and maximum temperature from 1941-2050 for 5 FLOR ensemble members using historical forcing followed by RCP4.5. Used in Figures S1 and S2. * /CONTROL: Global daily minimum and maximum temperature from years 401-495 of the FLOR 1990 Control simulation, and global monthly daily minimum and maximum temperature for years 401-500 of the same simulation. Used in Figures 3, 4, 5, 6, S3, S5, S6, and S7. and are subsets of this data over the FLOR grid point closest to each city used for Figure S8. * /2XCO2: Global daily minimum and maximum temperature from years 401-495 of the FLOR 1990 2xCO2 simulation, and global monthly daily minimum and maximum temperature for years 401-500 of the same simulation. Used in Figures 3, 4, 5, 6, S5, S6, and S7. /FLOR/THRESHOLDS: * Daily minimum and maximum temperature thresholds for different percentiles (90,95,99) derived from FLOR 1990 Control data. Globally defined for every day of one annual cycle. Used in calculating the FLOR Control and 2xCO2 heat wave statistics. Created with PBS script florthreshold which runs /FLOR/MEANSHIFTS: * Variously space and time averaged differences between Control and 2xCO2 used for calculating some of the /FLOR/PROCESSED heat wave statistics. Used in producing Figures 4, 5, and S6. 365 is a daily climatology of the difference at every point globally, tave is a time-average of the difference at every point globally, xyave365 is a daily climatology of the difference averaged globally (which was tested but not used in the final paper), and xytave is a global-time mean of the difference. Created with FERRET script synthetic_2xCO2-Cont.jnl. Input to PBS scripts 365_136, tave_136, xyave365_136, and xytave_136, which run ehfheatwaves_compound_inputthres_*.py. /FLOR/DAILYCLIM: * Global daily climatologies of daily minimum and maximum temperature for Control and 2xCO2. Used for calculating the mean shifts for figures 4, 5, and S6. /FLOR/HWSTATS: * Heat wave statistics data produced with various heat wave definitions from the FLOR simulations. Statistics are derived from the Control, 2xCO2, and ensemble raw output. The word following "FLOR" in the file name designates this-- the different data sources and labels are Control, 2XCO2, ensemble members (r1-r5), and Control plus different mean shifts (365, Tave, XYave365, and XYTave). Used for Figures 3, 4, 5, 6, S1, S2, S5, and S6. Control, 2XCO2, and mean shifted Control processed data is produced by PBS scripts *136 which run ehfheatwaves_compound_inputthres_*.py. Ensemble processed data is produced by PBS script ENS2_FIX, which utilizes FLOR2_Jane_fix.csh and runs